Monday, December 16, 2013

Miz Goes Back To Being Heel

I have not even mentioned Miz's recent heel turn. Let me talk about that now. It has come about with this feud involving Kofi Kingston. Before focusing on Miz, let me talk about this as it relates to Kofi Kingston. Kofi Kingston has gotten a feud against a former top star that does not involve a title. The last time he got a major feud like this was against Randy Orton a few years ago. It showed a great side of Kofi Kingston. He showed a great attitude. This feud against The Miz isn't as great as that feud against Orton, but it is something for Kofi to do.

Moving onto Miz, can you say his face run flopped? I usually do not like saying something like that. I usually feel the WWE did not do a proper job developing the superstar. This is not one of those situations. I thought Miz had the potential to be a good face. He could be a face character with some edge. He just has not connected well with the fans. Certain instances of him getting negative reactions from the fans during his face run have been made clear. The WWE has not really pushed him down the fans' throats, so I can't blame them for that. I cannot blame them for not giving him anything to do. He has been featured well, although not as great as certain other main-event faces, obviously. I really cannot blame the WWE for turning Miz heel again.

Does the negative reaction mean Miz is a great heel character? Or do the fans just dislike him as a performer? You watch a movie and dislike a certain character in the movie, possibly the villain. Do you hate that character because of how well the actor makes you hate that character? Or do you hate how the actor is performing? When I watch a movie, I usually am not too critical of anyone's acting. Miz is heel. He will probably still get booed. Are those fans booing him because he does a great job playing that heel character? Or do they just don't like him as a performer? This isn't even a question about whether they don't like him as a human being. That's just stupid. Even though I think Miz has potential to be a great heel, I think there are a lot of fans out there that hate him because they don't like how he performs, not because his skills are drawing that emotion from them.

Now that Miz is heel again, what can you do with him? I'll just bring up one possibility. If the WWE still eventually pulls the trigger on Randy Orton separating from The Authority, how about Miz takes his place as the corporate heels top star? He isn't the worse choice. It is a possibility. And yet, it is a possibility I do not like. I don't think he has enough credibility to pull it off. He has only been WWE Champion once. And he has not been deeply involved in major storylines in a while. To toss him into that position would not be wise. You would have to build him up first. Nevertheless, just wanted to mention it.

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