Monday, September 17, 2012

Friendship Prevails

Daniel Bryan and Kane have beaten Kofi Kingston and R-Truth for the tag titles at Night of Champions. That was not a shocking outcome at all. There are a few things to say about this.

First, what does this mean for the tag division revival? Legitimate interest was being put into the tag division for months now. The Prime Time Players looked to be the chief benefactors of it. It looked like they would finally win the titles. Had this storyline between Kane and Bryan not have come about, I think they would have won it. Kane and Bryan did not win the titles to improve the revival. The proper way to do that would be to bring in more legitimate teams. Do more with the teams you have. People can say that Young and O'Neil are not over, but how can you expect them to get over if you do not follow through with how you are pushing them? The titles were put on Kane and Daniel Bryan to further their storyline. The revival, if you ask me, is done.

Is Daniel Bryan face or heel? Kane seems to always be a tweener. Daniel Bryan seems to be in that zone again. He has been so entertaining with his current heel character, the fans are cheering for him. A true face turn should be coming for him very soon. Keep him heel by having him eventually turn on Kane? That is the other option, but you might as well just run this storyline to it's eventual finish and have them finally be "friends" in the end.

In less than one year, Kane goes from being a monster to being a comedy character. Aside from going from heel to face rather easily, that is something else you see the WWE do with Kane a lot. He can destroy multiple people is a single segment. When that's over, he can be involved in a comedy segment with Santino. I know a lot of people prefer the monster, but it is good to have that versatility. If nothing else, he's winning titles.

Finally, what happens to R-Truth and Kofi Kingston? After the rematch, assuming they do not win the titles back, where do they go? As I have pointed out before, if they were not paired together and holding the titles these last few months, they would have gotten lost in the shuffle. Good thing is, since the U.S. Championship and Intercontinental Championship are both held by heels, R-Truth and Kofi can eventually be challengers for that. How about both at the same time in a triple threat? Turn one of these guys heel? I don't think that's necessary. Point is, the WWE will either have to work something out for these two midcarders or they will be on Superstars more often in the coming weeks.

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