Friday, May 16, 2014

Cesaro's Lost Momentum

What has happened to Cesaro? I actually thought the WWE was serious about this guy and would give him a good push. He is lost in the shuffle, like so many others.

Pairing him with Paul Heyman was supposed to be something good. Heyman has spent more time putting over Brock Lesnar than Cesaro. Lesnar is not even around. I know they are saying that Cesaro will face Lesnar, but how can the WWE seriously be considering that feud? Cesaro looks mediocre. He is eventually going to get tired of Heyman and that will lead to a big feud with Brock Lesnar? That would be a waste of Lesnar. I am not saying Cesaro is unworthy of such a feud. I am saying they are not developing him properly to be worthy of such a feud. I doubt they will follow through with it, if they were really serious about this in the first place.

They could have developed a proper feud between him and RVD. There could have been a great story there. Personally, I wasn't interested in it. Nevertheless, it would have been better than nothing at all. It would have been even better than a generic midcard title feud. That is, if it was done right. It is not even being done at all.

Some people say that the issue is that they didn't turn him face. Cesaro was connecting so well with the fans. Keeping him heel ruined his momentum. I disagree. They could have turned him face and still pushed him as mediocrely as they have now. He could have been treated as a very dry, very generic face. That, most likely, would have led to a loss of overness and momentum. What would fans be saying then? He's a bad face? Worst face turn since Randy Orton in 2004? The issue is not developing proper feuds for him and putting great focus on him. Heyman hasn't done him too many favors. I find "King of Swing" is a stupid nickname. But the real problem is a lack of commitment on the part of the WWE.

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