Friday, July 5, 2013

The Wyatt Clan Is Coming

Husky sure has moved up in the world. That is to say, Bray Wyatt. The WWE has been hyping the debut of The Wyatts for weeks now with these creepy vignettes. Giving my honest first impression when I saw the first vignette on Raw, I was getting a vibe like I was watching something from one of the Wrong Turn movies. That is a series of horror movies about backwoods cannibals. To put it simply, it didn't look very PG, but it was interesting.

Will this gimmick work? They look very interesting with the background and fancy rocking chair in those debut videos, but how well will it work once they are caught in the shuffle of the main roster? I am not saying people will stop caring in a week. There are some people who will be hooked to these guys forever just off of those vignettes or their NXT work. Fine, but what about everyone else? The gimmick has potential, but will they get buried away under bigger stars in a matter of time? Remember Brodus Clay? Just look at the kind of gimmick Kane had when he returned with the mask. That was a scary gimmick. He was a monster again. That got people excited. And where is Kane now? He's not that monster anymore. I am really doubting that the WWE will be able to execute this well. What do I have in mind as executing it well? Having them get some good midcard feuds. Don't let them just squash jobbers or be built up to put over Sheamus. Give them actual feuds and let them showcase the gimmick.

Would it help if the WWE brought back the brand split? That is a big issue. You have The Wyatts, The Shield, Fandango, the returning RVD, and a whole list of guys who deserve to be featured regularly, but that might be a problem right now. Raw has that extra hour, but is it really leading to more talent being featured better? They have not really been managing the time that well. They have guys who are being featured on both shows regularly, like Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, and Sheamus. If they brought back the brand split, you can have a set of top guys on both shows and a few midcarders being featured on either show. They might even consider bringing back a second set of tag titles. And Raw vs. Smackdown feuds would mean something again. Eventually, they will probably do it.

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