Wednesday, July 3, 2013

On Swagger/Cesaro and Cryback

I'm going to lay off on the talk about percentages and statistics and go back to the usual critiquing and personal opinions on what the WWE is currently doing. Will I also lay off on mentioning Jinder Mahal for no good reason? No guarantees.

First, Jack Swagger returned and the duo of Swagger and Antonio is now official. Zeb is the manager of both heels. For Jack Swagger, some might say this is a step back for him. Wasn't he a part of a team with Dolph Ziggler for a while? You can argue that Swagger was in Ziggler's shadow back then. With this current team, Swagger is the one with a better list of title reigns than Cesaro. Hopefully, this team will help Swagger shine more. Cesaro won't exactly be lost in the shuffle. He actually seems more interesting with this current gimmick he now has. He has potential to connect better with the fans now than he did during that long title run he had. You can book someone very well, but that does not mean he is entertaining. Cesaro was being booked well before his mistreatment started. That didn't get him over. Now, he has a good chance of getting over. It would be nice to see these two eventually get the tag titles.

Ryback seems to be going in the opposite direction of the two heels I just mentioned. A depush was obvious for him after being used to put over Cena, but the storyline they are running with him is a little much. They actually had him give up during a match with The Miz. After that, Jericho once again had the last word. Ryback had beaten The Great Khali on Raw just last week. I know Khali is a jobber, but they were still having Ryback look good up to last week. They have really made his character look bad. Crying? If Ryback was having trouble connecting with the fans, I can understand trying something different to get fans interested. If this storyline was actually intriguing character development, then it would be worth it. So far, it's just breaking him down. They need to do something good to have Ryback turn things around against Jericho. Jericho was getting kicked around by Fandango just a few months ago, and now he's owning Ryback like this?

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