Friday, August 3, 2012

Tag Division Continues, Despite AW Drama

Even though Kofi Kingston and R-Truth retained the tag titles against Darren Young and Titus O'Neil a few weeks ago, the feud is not over. That is good. Abraham Washington (AW) has also been very vocal to help keep this feud interesting, but I will get to him in another respect in a second. They are also having the heels still interact with Rosa and her two guys. None of these three teams are really being buried. They are still getting attention. What about The Usos? Once the titles get on a heel team, I am sure they will be getting a little more attention in time. The fact is, it seems like there are too many face teams and not enough major heel teams. I am aware of Reks & Hawkins and Hunico & Camacho, but these are jobber teams. They need more development. That might not be happening anytime soon. If the titles are going on Young and O'Neil, it may not be very likely that the WWE would develop more heel teams at the same time. Focus would already be on a heel team that is still in the process of being developed.

And what about that AW? There was some controversy this week about the comments he made on Raw. I don't blame him. I can understand where some people may be offended, but I don't blame him. The WWE has been pushing the boundaries of what they can get away with within the PG realm for a while. I mentioned that idea back a few months ago when talking about Eve. The WWE wants to have the best of both worlds. When you try to do that, it seems you sometimes might do something in one world that causes trouble in the other world. And I have no reason to doubt the WWE will continue to push the envelope. How much trouble will they get in next time?

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