Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Alberto Del Rio Vs. Sheamus: Take 4

I didn't think they would keep this feud running for so long, and without even having Del Rio win the title yet. If he should win the title at Summerslam, that means there will be a rematch. Will it ever end?

Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio. If you think about it, this is this year's version of Orton vs. Christian. I'm not talking about the storyline. Orton vs. Christian was Smackdown's big World title feud during the summer of last year. It lasted months and months. Christian eventually won the title back, but then lost it back to Orton. After Summerslam 2011, the feud was really over. Orton moved on to feud with Mark Henry. Switching back to 2012, Alberto Del Rio pretty much has to do it this time. If not, it would just be a total waste. They could have moved on to putting Sheamus against some guys in the midcard who had momentum for a World title feud. Cody Rhodes would have been a good choice. If they weren't going to do that before, there is no point in hoping they would keep the title on Sheamus to do it after Summerslam.

What happens if Del Rio wins it? No need to hand it back to Sheamus. Randy Orton is back. Besides that, there is that feud between Del Rio and Rey Mysterio that never got a proper finish. Rey came back and went after Del Rio a few weeks ago. They have moved that to the back and put Sheamus vs. Del Rio back in front. That sounds familiar to me. When Del Rio returned from his injury a few months ago, it looked like he would be in the title picture, but then they moved him to the side to finish Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus. Randy Orton and Rey Mysterio would be the top choices for a title feud against a heel Alberto Del Rio. And those are two great options. No need for Sheamus to hold it much longer.

How has the feud between Del Rio and Sheamus been developing? Aside from taking so long, it has gone back to being repetitive. Basic title feud. One guy has the title and the other wants it. When Del Rio said on Raw that he refuses to wrestle until Summerslam, that actually sounded like an interesting detail to add to the storyline, to me anyway. But it doesn't look like they will actually be doing that. No matter what, it has to be almost over.

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