Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ryback and Mahal

How can anyone pass by an opportunity to talk about Jinder Mahal? Honestly, I want to talk about this feud between Ryback and Jinder Mahal just to note that it is a feud where one person is obviously being developed to put over another. Not only is this not a feud between equals, but one guy is definitely getting shot back down when it is over. I haven't had a good example of that to talk about in a while. Jericho was being used to help put over Ziggler, but Jericho is a star and Ziggler is a rising star. Triple H put over Lesnar, but I have already pointed out that both these guys are big.

What about Ryback and Jinder Mahal? Ryback has been on a huge role since he came in a few months ago. He was squashing multiple individuals at a time. This feud with Mahal is his first real feud. It's not the kind of feud that leads to a big PPV showdown, but it is good for the midcard on the regular shows. Jinder Mahal, on the other hand, hasn't really been too relevant in a while. When the WWE first showed focus in prolonging the issues between these two, you could tell who was most likely being developed to put over who. The feud will most likely end on Smackdown this week. After that, Ryback continues to work up the ladder. Mahal gets shot back down the ladder.

I still don't care about Ryback that much. However, he is connecting well with the fans, so who really cares what I think? And if the WWE is willing to make the midcard more interesting through developing feuds with him, even better. Both midcard titles are currently on two heels. That means that this is the perfect environment to put them on midcard faces to develop those faces more. Main-event faces, like Rey Mysterio and Christian, don't need to win the U.S. or Intercontinental titles right now. I don't know how many more heels they want to feed to Ryback to get him built further, but a title reign would be nice.

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