Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sandow Vs. Sheamus

Sheamus has entered a feud with Damien Sandow. Looks like this will actually be a good feud. It is about more than just beating each other up. I like feuds like that. They have been having these segments where Sandow tries to show off his intelligence and Sheamus just comes in and does what he does. It is similar to the feud Sheamus just had with Mark Henry. Mark Henry went out there to show how strong he is, then Sheamus makes a fool of him. I just hope this doesn't become the regular pattern for Sheamus. Might get predictable after a while, even though it does give other guys a chance to showcase their own gimmicks.

You have a feud that is obviously not between equals. Demotion for Sheamus? Big push for Sandow? This is not a punishment for Sheamus. Just because he is not in the World title hunt, that doesn't mean the WWE is not high on him. At the same time, I don't feel they are developing Sandow for a bigger push after this feud. Sheamus will likely go over Sandow, continue to be an upper-midcarder, and Sandow will still be lost in the midcard. Sandow might at least get a win against Sheamus during the feud. Maybe? Hopefully? But when he does eventually get depushed, you don't need to believe it is because he did something wrong.

Changing topic, Raw got a 2.66 in the ratings this week. They were up against the last game of the NBA playoffs. Nevertheless, that number is significant. That is the lowest they have ever done this early in the calender year in over a decade. They did not do this badly for Memorial Day. They did score lower on July 4th, 2011. That makes 5 weeks in a row under 3.0. And it isn't even football season yet. With the WWE getting these kind if numbers now, what can they expect when NFL competition is a factor?

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