Tuesday, July 26, 2011

No Tears Necessary For Rey

I will keep this short. I just want to explain why I, and possibly a lot of other fans, are not going to complain about what happened to Rey Mysterio last night. Rey wins the WWE Championship, his first time holding that WWE World title, and goes on to lose it to John Cena later that same night. That is even worse than what happened to Christian, isn't it?

Many fans were enraged about the WWE ending Christian's first World title run on Smackdown so fast. I spent weeks and weeks talking about the storyline. But it is not exactly the same with Rey. I want to explain that distinction. Rey Mysterio had already been World Champion twice before his WWE title win this week. He won it at Wrestlemania. Either one of his previous two reigns lasted a lot longer than Christian's first. Moreover, Rey was given at least better focus for some of his last two reigns, which both occurred on Smackdown as well. Moreover, Rey just had a title reign last year. He did not have to wait long to regain it. Not as long, that is, as Christian had to wait in the WWE to finally get his first major World title reign from them. And they treated him like Randy Orton's punching bag. Even after he has regained it, he still remains under Orton. Cena and Orton are both centerpieces. At least Rey had a chance in the past.

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