Saturday, July 31, 2010

Swagger's All Wet?

I did not like what happened to Swagger on Smackdown this week that much. In terms of comedy, it was what it was. Nothing entirely original to happen to a heel. The audience gets a good laugh. In terms of developing Swagger, it took two steps back for the one step they have tried to take in developing him as a serious main-eventer.

Swagger was just used as fodder in the feud between Kane and Mysterio. If there was some other angle for Swagger to still travel down, I would not be complaining. But there does not seem to be one. It is the same thing I complained about before. There is no one else for him to face. If his daddy was still actively around, they might be able to push a comedy angle with that at least. It would not be serious development for Swagger, but it would be an angle for his benefit and to get his character out there.

Cashing out the momentum invested in him and not giving him seemingly anything better to do. The WWE frequently kills momentum of some wrestlers on the verge of big wins, but I do not see how that can happen for Swagger right now.

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