Wednesday, August 12, 2015


TNA and GFW are having an inter-promotional angle. On paper, that is a good idea. GFW gets more exposure as they try to grow. TNA gets a bit of a summer angle. It is a situation that could benefit both sides.

Of course, one of the main issues is that TNA tapes so many episodes in just a few days. Because of that, it seems like this angle might be over just as quickly as it started. Not everyone reads spoilers, but the results are still out there. Aside from that, doing things this way does not give fans a chance to really connect with something before TNA has already moved on to whatever direction they had in mind, in many cases. It just doesn't help a lot of wrestlers in getting over, proper storyline development, and the overall product.

Just skimming over the spoilers, as far as TNA vs. GFW goes, nothing really stands out. None of the names grab me. GFW has some very talented guys, but as far as actual star power goes, some of their biggest names involved in this storyline were nothing more than midcarders in the WWE. Jeff Jarrett better know how to actually build these guys to be stars. Of course, what makes this angle interesting isn't any of the names involved. It is the "corporate takeover" storyline. Go back to Nexus. None of those guys were huge stars. What made the angle great was that they were just going out there and destroying people. Why? Who would be next? Having stars isn't always necessary if you have an intriguing storyline. TNA vs. GFW has the power to intrigue. Still, it would be nice if these two promotions did a better job creating and featuring stars.

Let me do an aside. I have never really talked about Tough Enough. A lot of fans are unhappy with the format and people they like getting voted off. I don't watch the show. I don't vote for anyone. All I will say is that I wouldn't make too much about who wins. Don't be fooled into thinking the winners of this thing are really that over. Look at the Diva Search. A handful of divas have won that. I would not say any of them ever reached A+ overness during their WWE careers. They had enough fan support to get the votes to win, but things are different on the main roster. Those voters are only a part of the overall WWE fanbase. Even if Sara Lee wins Tough Enough, how over will she be when she eventually debuts? I am pretty sure she will not have A+ overness, especially with so many fans out there that are critical of her. To put it simply, don't make too much about Tough Enough.

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