It is still possible to keep the ball rolling without the Champion. The WWE has done so before. They have even kept the ball rolling at times when the centerpiece was not around. Beth Phoenix isn't even the centerpiece. You can even say that the WWE has kept the ball rolling when there wasn't anyone with any great overness in the diva division. Once again, Beth Phoenix, as strong a worker she is, is not too over in the diva division. All that being said, the ball is not rolling well right now.
There is a lack of focus going on with the diva feuds. The strongest feud you have going on is between Natalya and Tamina, but I doubt that will do too much. Storylines are also lacking. The strongest storyline you have right now is a romance angle between Zack Ryder and Eve. I have more faith in this storyline than the one between Daniel Bryan and AJ Lee, but that is another issue. Outside of that, no real continuity. Even on the night Beth was injured by Alicia, there was no Natalya at ringside or much ado about keeping that team looking like something, even if just a good mention. It was also one of the rare times Beth lost a televised match through a finisher, as opposed to a roll up. Since then, the WWE has not exactly been continuous with even keeping focus on Alicia. Zack Ryder and Eve won a tag match against Tyson Kidd and Natalya. The Bellas got a meaningless win recently. Last night, Beth Phoenix was teased for a match, but it was Eve who got the bulk of the diva attention, through her angle with Zack Ryder, who is being stalked by Kane, who is feuding with Cena, who happens to be the centerpiece. You have a clear feud on Smackdown between Tamina and Natalya, but I doubt that will get either too over or even succeed in being too entertaining.
No mention of Kelly Kelly yet, but you have seen her around in recent weeks. Has the WWE lost confidence in her as the new centerpiece? That is still the big question you have to consider. Whether Beth Phoenix was still around or not, this could either be seen as a time where the WWE is not using Kelly Kelly better because she is being phased out as centerpiece, they're planning to build Beth Phoenix up more before having her hand the belt back to Kelly Kelly, or the WWE just does not know what to do with Kelly Kelly, but they have not given up on her. I would not be too surprised if the WWE would want Kelly Kelly to win the title at Wrestlemania. That would be the first time the Diva's Championship would be defended at the big event, and Kelly would make history by being the first woman to win the title there. Having Kharma return and win the title from Beth Phoenix might also be an option. The WWE can then go back to that storyline between Kharma and Kelly, which was meant to put over Kelly Kelly anyway. Only this time, Kelly would stand to win the title right from Kharma. I have my doubts about that. How much longer can the WWE stall the title on Beth Phoenix? It has already gotten a little dull. Beth's injury could have been a chance to freshen up the booking, even if it did involve using Kelly Kelly more, but the WWE is not doing it well.
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