The WWE screwed up his push. They started him out great. They gave him promo time, had him get involved with his former partner, JTG, and could have really given him a good push. One of the first mistakes they made was having him lose to JTG in their PPV match. JTG could have gained momentum in tag matches, depending on how long the feud lasted and if they did not want to make it look too one sided. Losing to JTG their just started killing Shad's momentum just as fast as the WWE had built it.
I am not blind to the fact that Shad is not exactly a Kurt Angle out there. Is that the reason for the push kill? There is some hypocrisy in that. Maryse, among other women currently in the WWE, is horrible out there. Not only is her ass not back in FCW instead of stinking up Raw's ring, she is the main centerpiece of Raw's diva division. Moreover, if the WWE can monster push a guy like Sheamus, why not Shad? All Sheamus is really famous for when it comes to getting physical is spamming pump kicks. Shad had his big boot. He had some basic moves. He had a better charisma than Sheamus. He was so over as a face. Some wrestlers in the WWE have never been that over, whether face or heel. It is a bit of a shame to see them possibly prepping him for release.
There is the chance that they will repackage him again in the future. It has happened before. And what about JTG? He is still around. But they seem to be lacking a direction for him too. One black guy getting a great push on Smackdown is enough? Good luck to Kofi Kingston.
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