Monday, July 18, 2016

Brock Lesnar Vs. Randy Orton For Summerslam 2016

There was a time I would have said Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton would be a dream match. They faced each other during Brock's first run in the company, but that was before Randy Orton broke out as a top guy. The match has been made for Summerslam next month. Is it everything I hoped for?

So far, it doesn't feel right. The WWE just made the match and it is going to happen. Randy Orton has been out with an injury for months now. I am not even wondering about Lesnar possibly injuring him again. I just don't like that there was really no proper reason given for this match.

You see this kind of thing in MMA all the time. An opponent is named for someone and they just do some interviews and trash talk to build up to the match. You sometimes spend a whole bunch of time talking about a match and getting hyped for it, and then it only lasts about a minute.

You have seen the WWE do this kind of thing for special events for Brock Lesnar. They would just name an opponent for him and Brock would go on to beat the guy. This is a PPV. Summerslam is one of the WWE's biggest PPVs of the year. I don't have a problem with them doing this for WWE Network special events, but when you are trying to sell a major PPV, you have to do better than just that.

What is the feud I would go for with Brock Lesnar? Lesnar vs. Wyatt. It was the feud they were going for earlier in the year. It got ruined. Bray Wyatt is back from his injury. Just have him finish goofing around with New Day at Battleground and have him face Brock Lesnar for Summerslam. There is already a story there. There is unfinished business there. I would feel more hyped for this match than I currently do for Lesnar vs. Orton.

Speaking of Orton, he will be back at Battleground for an interview segment with Chris Jericho. Someone likely has an RKO coming in their future. Orton and Jericho can then have a mini-feud, since Brock is a part-timer and Orton will need something to do when he is not there.

Let's get to the news concerning Brock Lesnar that everyone is talking about. He is being investigated for possibly doping. For the sake of discussion, let's do the worst-case scenario and say he is guilty.

I have brought up a few times this year the hypocrisy and double standards when it came to people getting suspended. Titus O'Neil gets a heavy suspension for something he did without any malicious intent and that didn't make the company look bad. Roman Reigns, the new centerpiece of the company, gets suspended for violating the wellness policy. People are now wondering whether his top spot should be on the line.

Brock Lesnar, being a part-timer, is sort of above the law when it comes to the WWE's wellness policy. This isn't like Hulk Hogan making racist comments and the WWE firing him. The WWE will not fire Brock Lesnar over this. But should the WWE hold Brock accountable in some way? Suspend him for 30 days? Lesnar would probably laugh that off. It is no punishment at all for a part-timer like him. He would still make it for Summerslam. Paul Heyman could just carry the feud with Randy Orton until then on Brock's behalf. And don't forget Chris Jericho.

The WWE might just look like hypocrites if they don't do anything to Brock. Their wellness policy does not force them to, but they would still look like hypocrites if they let Brock off without any repercussions. You shouldn't have this policy just for the sake of having it. You should have it to protect your workers from something that can have a negative impact on them and to protect your company's image. If Brock Lesnar was to be found guilty, it would just make the WWE look bad to do nothing to him, especially when Roman Reigns is currently suspended for drug use. Is there a double standard? Is it okay for Brock Lesnar to do it and only get a slap on the wrist, if he even gets that?

Some say this will hurt Lesnar's ability to draw for the WWE. I would question his ability to draw even before this scandal. It certainly doesn't show in the ratings. Does it show in PPV buyrates and subscriptions to the WWE Network? I think more people were interested in the drama between Shane McMahon and The Undertaker this past Wrestlemania than Lesnar vs. Ambrose. I think more wrestling fans buy into the hype of Brock Lesnar than the general audience. In himself, Lesnar will not draw. The WWE needs to create a big situation to draw, like they did with Taker/Shane. Having Lesnar definitely helps the WWE get more media coverage, but if it doesn't translate to many more people being interested in the product, what's the point? Moreover, when Lesnar gets caught in something negative, the WWE is going to have to deal with that baggage.

I would say the WWE should hold Brock Lesnar accountable, if he is found guilty. The WWE might just face negative attention if they let him off without any penalty, while other workers have to face suspension for drug use. Billy Gunn got let go not that long ago after failing a drug test. He wasn't even an active wrestler for the WWE anymore. Brock Lesnar does wrestle for the WWE. Again, they won't fire him, but he should be punished to send a message on accountability. Fine him? Take away his Summerslam match? As I said, a simple suspension wouldn't do. If one of your workers does something to hurt the image of your company, you should do something. And if you don't, that might hurt you even more.

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