Friday, July 4, 2014

Swagger Vs. Rusev: An Actual Midcard Feud To Be Proud Of

I wasn't going to say anything after Emma's arrest. When she got released, I figured I would have to spend today talking about that. Same day, she gets rehired. Let's leave that there.

When Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger came out to confront Lana and Rusev, that got me excited. And the fans were really into it. Jack Swagger looked great in that segment. This midcard feud has great potential. I like Jack Swagger. And I have said before that I think they can do some great things with the character Rusev has. And what happened on Raw is an example of what I was thinking of. Some fans have been questioning when the WWE would get around to this feud. It pretty much writes itself. Here it is. And I think it will be great.

Not to speak too soon, but it seems like this is a feud Rusev would normally win. Jack Swagger has been jobbing a lot for most of his career in recent years. It would be obvious to say Swagger is just being developed here to put over Rusev. If Swagger can continue connecting well with the fans through this push, I would hope the WWE changes plans and lets Swagger beat Rusev. Why let Cena get all the wins against well-developed opponents? And it might also be too soon to say this, but if Swagger can continue that momentum, it would be nice to see him be World Champ one more time.

What if the WWE does not like how the fans are reacting? I just said that it seems obvious Swagger is just being developed to be a challenge for Rusev to go through. He is the one they are really interested in pushing. It all comes down to how badly they want to stay the course. Would the WWE purposely "botch" this push for Swagger? Am I saying the WWE would purposely try to mess up the career of one of their own workers if they get more over than the WWE would like? Sure, why not? Fans are interested in this feud. The WWE should be happy with that. Let it grow. Go in the direction of what the fans want. What the WWE does with Swagger after this feud will be interesting to see. They should try to find something for him.

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