Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mickie James Back With The WWE

No official return has been made yet for Mickie James, but she has been brought in by the WWE to help train the NXT divas for a week. Beyond that, Raw next week does have a certain theme that might make an appearance by Mickie James seem possible.

I had my doubts about whether the WWE would bring Mickie James back after she declined staying with TNA. I never doubted she would one day return. I just thought the WWE would want to do it way down the line to just sell the idea that everything is fine between them and Mickie at a time they wouldn't have to push her. The fact is, Mickie James never burned her bridges with the WWE after they released her. If you go by what dirtsheets said, the WWE viewed Mickie James like she was some kind of plague they would never want back. If you go by actually paying attention to what was going on and analyzing Mickie James within the context of the diva division, it is obvious that they did what they did to Mickie James because they did not want her over. If they wanted her over, they would not have continued to push her as a credible jobber, who never become very over in the diva division. Have the WWE become a little bit humbled since then? They definitely failed to get what they wanted even after getting Mickie out of the picture. The division collapsed. Dark age right now. Is this the perfect situation to want to bring Mickie James back?

Regardless of how far they go with Mickie James right now, will anything really change? That is to say, will the status quo finally change? Finally start pushing a women's division that gives female wrestlers better opportunities? Things did not change with Kharma. Things did not change with Sara Del Rey. You want to bring up AJ Lee? She has been pushed as a periphery diva and the WWE is not exactly developing the division around her to get them out of this dark age. Part of me is excited that Mickie James is back, but part of me is worried they will do something stupid. It would really kill me if they get Mickie to stay on as just a trainer. This woman became that over and never got the career she earned, then has to settle for being a trainer? Like that is where all her worth is found? She has her music career. She has versatility. She is still young. Women like Gail Kim and Tara are older than her, and they have still remained relevant in recent years. Regardless of what the WWE has planned for Mickie James, I would hope she ends up wrestling for a major promotion again.

Mickie James possibly returning does not mean I will stop blogging. I still don't see the WWE hiring fresh female wrestlers. I still see them trying to train eye-candy divas. I still see the diva division a mess. When female wrestlers get treated better, I'll stop.


  1. I was not expecting her to return so soon.Like many of her fans I was really sad to see her go. But I thought she was happy in TNA. And they'd be ridiculously stupid to let her go. Now I'm still sceptic about this whole situation especially if she's going to be treated like Gail Kim was.

    P.S. This is only like second or third time I'm actually leaving a comment here. But I just wanted to say I've been following your blog for a couple of years now and I happen to think that it's awesome. :p

    1. Thank you.

      If Mickie does return for another run, they will likely not treat her like Gail Kim. Mickie will be harder to bury, as she was the first time. Besides, this is a different period in the diva division. They aren't as eager to recreate an eye-candy centerpiece now as they were back then.
