Monday, November 4, 2013

Is The End Near For The Shield?

The WWE has started to tease the breaking up of The Shield. I would be the first to admit they have gotten stale. I will also say that they were not going to stay together forever. But is now the time to put an end to the group?

The Shield has currently been used as the henchmen for The Authority. This is the best use for them. The corporate heels need henchmen to help to make this storyline believable. Instead of strengthening a powerful stable, the WWE has kept the heels on shaky ground for a while now. And they want to take away three henchmen before the big storyline looks like it is ready to end? If that is the case, it probably was a good idea to get Kane involved in this storyline to side with the heels. However, I don't think it should be the case. Starting to break up the group at a time when they were doing nothing too important would make perfect sense. Doing so now does not. The Wyatts just don't seem like proper replacements, if the WWE does have them align with the corporate heels. Their gimmick doesn't fit into the angle very well. At least The Shield has the look of bodyguards. Is there a good chance the WWE does not follow through with a split?

The group will still eventually have to break up. Which members do I think will have success after that? Personally, I am not a fan of any of them. I don't hate them, but I just don't care too much about them. But let me approach it as an analyst and critic. Dean Ambrose is very good at showing character. Seth Rollins is the most entertaining when it comes to in-ring ability. Roman Reigns is the big man of the group, and people always say that the WWE loves big guys. Dean Ambrose can do very well if they give him big storylines. Push him alongside some top stars for at least a while. Seth Rollins, I can picture the WWE taking him down the road of Justin Gabriel. As for Roman Reigns, who is the guy many consider to be the future star, I can see him following the path of most big guys in recent years. He will continue to get used as a bodyguard-type of character, possibly get a bit of a face push, but he won't get too far. He will be like Ryback and Big E Langston. Aren't those two guys being pushed well at the moment? How far will they go before the WWE moves on to something else? To put it simply, I would say Dean Ambrose has the best chance of the three to really be used well.

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