Monday, August 26, 2013

Fandango's Summertime Sadness

What has Fandango been doing lately? Nothing much. Months ago, I remember talk about how much Vince McMahon loved this guy and the gimmick. Even Chris Jericho mentioned it in an interview. And yet, he is lost in the shuffle lately. That is why I don't like putting too much worth into what is being said, whether it is dirtsheet rumors or direct sources saying things in interviews. I am not implying Chris Jericho lied. The fact is, with the problems the WWE has had with pushing a great midcard in recent years, it seemed very likely that Fandango would suffer a bit of a depush.

What should Fandango be doing right now? Obviously, he doesn't need a main-event push. He doesn't need an upper-midcard push against guys like Mark Henry or RVD, even if they were available to feud with him right now. Right now, he is where he should be. He is a midcarder. They teased developing a feud between him and R-Truth. And why now? Their gimmicks are similar in the dancing aspect, but contrast from there. It would be great to have them get a legitimate feud. This is one of those situations where the storyline might even write itself. They can even give R-Truth a diva to be his dancing partner.

And let's look back at the age-old question. Is Fandango over, or his theme song? You can still see fans doing that little dance. But that's pretty much it. I still don't see this guy being legitimately over. Some comedy characters, even heel ones, eventually do get over. Will Fandango ever be as over as his theme song?

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