Monday, March 25, 2013

What Do You Do With A Midcarder Like Sandow?

The usual problem you see with midcarders in recent years is the WWE not giving them good feuds and storylines. In the case of Damien Sandow, you have a different issue. This guy has two feuds going for him right now. At one time, it looked like his partnership with Cody Rhodes was over and he would feud with R-Truth. Recently, it looked like the two were back together and were getting involved in a diva angle with The Bellas. Last week, it looked like they were going back to the singles feud with R-Truth a little.

What would be the best feud for Sandow around now? His feud with R-Truth isn't worthy of Wrestlemania, mainly because it just got started and isn't really that big of a deal. You can say the same for certain other feuds brewing, but a tag-team feud would at least be able to feature more guys, and possibly some divas. That could get more people involved on the card. That is what they should be trying to develop properly right now. Unless they plan to add R-Truth to that match, they should just give him something else to do. Sandow and R-Truth can always revisit their feud after Wrestlemania.

This is just another example of inconsistency. Why is it bad? What do you want your fans to get excited to see? You start going down one path, the fans start getting attached to it and get their hopes up, then you kill it and move on to something else. And then you try to get back on the previous path too? And you end up not developing either feud as best as you can. I spoke before about the potential in a feud between R-Truth and Sandow. What the WWE is doing is definitely falling short. The WWE needs to pick a path for their midcarders and stick to it.

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