Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Fall Of Tensai

He is no longer a "Lord", but he didn't lose this week. Nevertheless, Tensai's momentum is slowing down. The Big Show has become the top heel aligned with John Laurinaitis. Tensai has taken a slight demotion. He was featured in a main event against John Cena and World's Heavyweight Champion Sheamus, teaming with two former World Champions, and I call that a demotion? Yes. As much focus is not on him as was for a while.

Does he deserve to be moved down? I never really had faith in this guy. When he did finally get put in regular matches, he seemed sloppy at times. And his moves still do not seem that impressive to me. He might as well be used to put over a top face, get shoved around the card for a while, maybe be given a different gimmick, and then leave. If he manages to somehow get over in between all that, then they would have good reason to keep him around. Until that potentially happens, he is a pain for me to watch. I usually don't say that about a lot of wrestlers, but I am disappointed in this guy. Aside from the gimmick, nothing interesting here.

I talked about who should be the guy to beat Brodus a while back, so I might as well do the same for Tensai. Say what you want about Brodus, he at least entertains the crowd. And I see him as a little more smoother in the ring than Tensai. I had said that Tensai should be the top choice to beat Brodus. That would build up Tensai more before he put someone over. Should Brodus be the guy to end Tensai's streak? I wouldn't say so. Brodus does not need that. And unless Brodus starts getting serious, I don't see why he should be the one to beat a guy treated like a threat like Tensai. I wouldn't be surprised if Tensai loses to Cena in the weeks building up to Cena vs. Big Show. If not Cena, Tensai will lose to CM Punk. I don't think the WWE will even bother trying to keep Tensai that strong until a potential title feud. Any midcard face beating Tensai would be degrading and a waste. He may not be great, but he doesn't deserve that.

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