Monday, May 28, 2012

Christian: Smackdown's Midcard Hero?

Christian survived a week as Intercontinental Champion on Smackdown. That is a lot better than his first World's Heavyweight Championship run a year ago. However, losing the title fast last year did not exactly lead to a rapid depush. It did lead to an elaborate angle. I just still don't think that elaborate angle was good for Christian or was that great for a lot of his fans out there. You just had to settle for what it was.

And now? IC Champion. He is holding a title, but you obviously do not have him in as much focus as you did last year. He has had two televised matches since winning the title. Neither were really connected to a larger feud or storyline. Cody Rhodes is still getting a rematch, but it makes me wonder if the WWE will even bother trying to be creative here. They should. This is Christian. He is very over and is a good worker. Just give him the mic. Just watching him come out on Raw last week, he just seemed to be missing some character to him. Was that long introduction really that necessary? Seeing that he was facing Jinder Mahal didn't make things any better. They really need to find a real storyline for this guy. That is how he will work best. As it stands right now, the return of Christian is not leading to the WWE putting more interest into the midcard, as I had hoped.

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