Saturday, June 25, 2011

Christian/Orton: Week 8 & Chavo Guerrero Released

I'll make the comments on Orton and Christian short. Orton is still World Champion, but Christian will get another shot. A lot of people are predicting Christian will win the title and immediately lose it to a MitB winner, and I wouldn't put that beyond the WWE. In any case, what I find more interesting is that the WWE is actually doing a good job of building Christian's main-event credibility recently. In the past few weeks, he has been in main events and has pinned former, or current, World Champs. He pinned and eliminated Orton last Raw, although his team ended up losing the match. You can say that the WWE is doing a better job building him up for his next title win than they did for the one he got a few months ago. However, I still do not feel they are building it up in an entertaining way or building it up to mean as much as it should for Christian and his fans. Will it feel as epic? I can talk about building credibility until the sun goes down and rises again several thousand times, that does not mean credibility takes the place of entertainment in pro wrestling. With how the WWE is building him, Christian will fit right in as a CM Punk of Smackdown in the coming months.

CM Punk is not the only guy who wants out of the WWE. Chavo Guerrero has asked for, and received, his release. Chavo comments on his release here. Look back to what I said about Chavo here. It surprised me that Chavo's reasoning for wanting to leave are close to what I said about his last "push" against Sin Cara. He said that he was no longer happy about the WWE using him to make other people look good. That is pretty much what I said the purpose of his last feud was. What he said about Eddie also matches up with what I say about the WWE being able to push men anywhere and everywhere on the card, even after they may have a main-event push, and even after they may win a World title. To bring them back into the discussion, just look at CM Punk and Christian. Punk has been pushed all over the card since his first major World title win in the WWE. Christian's future, I can almost guarantee it, will mirror this.

Obviously, the loss of Chavo is nothing huge. I am not being unsympathetic to the guy. What was he doing anyway recently? WWE is not losing something they were treating too important. Once again, NXT is irrelevant. I know Chavo can be treated better wherever he ends up. I think he deserves that. This is a proud man who did not deserve his last elaborate feud to be against a midget.

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