Not surprisingly, Sheamus is going after Daniel Bryan's title. You have a lot of epic Wrestlemania feuds developing right now. However, so far, Smackdown's World title feud is not one of them. How has the WWE really been devloping this feud since Sheamus picked his title to go for? Well, he's tossed Bryan to CM Punk a few times. Other than that, the two have not interacted well. Look at Raw. Sheamus was in a tag match that did not even involve Bryan in any way. Sheamus won, which keeps him looking strong, but so what? What about the hype? What about the entertainment? Granted, there is not much of a story here. They can do an in-ring promo about what happened to them at Wrestlemania last year, but I don't feel that will build this match up as anything epic. Maybe if both were faces, then you can work out some kind of angle about giving the fans the show they did not get to see last year. With the heel character Daniel Bryan has now solidified, that will not happen.
It gets worse. Orton is back. He will face Daniel Bryan on Smackdown. The storyline reason for Orton being gone is Daniel Bryan taking him out. You have a feud between Bryan and Sheamus developing poorly, Orton seemingly having nothing else to do at Wrestlemania, and a potenitally better feud between Orton and Bryan. Will the WWE pass up the obvious opportunity to add Orton to the Wrestlemania match?
In an unrelated note, I am glad the WWE had Primo and Epico retain the titles last night. I thought that was going to be it for them. I thought Truth and Kofi were getting it. Even if that eventually happens, it's still good to keep this heel team looking strong, not like total jobbers. They'll be broken down eventually, but this match was good for the tag division. What Kane did afterwards? Well, that's how Kane rolls.
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