Two of the major storylines on Raw have taken a disappointing turn this week. I am talking about Kane's feud with John Cena and Jericho's return and feud with CM Punk.
First, Kane and Cena. It is not surprising that they will be having a gimmick match at Elimination Chamber. Ambulance match? Okay, that sounds good. I have no problem with that. It makes sense with the way things have been going. My problem was with the development of the feud on Raw. Obviously, no actual Cena during the show to further the feud. The only time you really saw Cena and Kane together was when they aired the replay of what happened last week, when Cena beat up Kane. But that wasn't all of Cena you saw on Raw. They ran a taped segment where it was revealed he will be at the Daytona 500. Then they ran a whole hype promo for him in a similar style to the one The Rock had last week. What do I not like? Doesn't it all sell the idea that Cena is overlooking Kane? This should sound familiar to Cena feuding with Miz last year, after The Rock popped up. This storyline between Kane and Cena had so much energy to it. This week's Raw did not properly follow up. As the show was ending, I thought they were going to go the whole show without any proper development. Then, of course, Kane had the final moment with Eve. He's still pushing for Cena to embrace the hate? Really? Why bother? Cena already sent Kane running away, is preparing to be a part of the big race in a few weeks, and is hyping it up for Wrestlemania. This storyline with Kane is already becoming an afterthought.
And now, Jericho and Punk. Chris Jericho finally gives the promo people were waiting for. Why did he come back? Why did he do that act? Where can we get one of those fancy jackets? He didn't answer all those questions, but he answered the two important ones. First, why did he do that whole weird act? He was trolling the fans. Just like I feared, the WWE went with the dull continuation of the storyline. Chris Jericho returns to his serious heel character and mocks the fans. It is not the most nonsensical way this could have gone, but it is dull. Nonsensical or dull, which would you have rather had? And why did he even bother coming back? Because he's sick of people copying him? He wants the title back? Yes, this has pretty much turned into a basic title feud against CM Punk now. The other 4 guys in this feud are just extras. I didn't even mention his "End of the World" explanation. That was pretty mediocre too. Unless he's going to try to take out those he feels are trying to be him, this really isn't the end of the world for anyone. Obviously, doesn't look like the WWE is going in that direction. Jericho being back isn't going to stop anyone from "copying" him. Whether the WWE had another plan for this return or not, it is heading in the dullest direction it could have gone.
As disappointing as the development has been on this week's Raw, the matches should still be good. Jericho and Punk can both go in the ring. The story involving Kane and Cena pretty much called for a brawl all over the place. An Ambulance match can provide that. The action should be good. In terms of the storylines, however, the WWE is not putting a great effort into these two feuds.
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