I would have walked out on the people who tell lies to the WWE Universe who say they fight for them and that they are trying to make a change but they aren’t trying at all.
I have made a similar comment a lot myself. The WWE liked to pretend that Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne were improving the tag division a few weeks ago. It was really just all hype. Hot air. They were just repackaging the standard push a popular midcard face team would get while holding the titles. The tag division has not really improved just because these two guys are pushed better as a unit and guys like Swagger and Ziggler are tagging up. These are all guys who were pushed very well in singles action previously. In time, that is where they will go again. Same tag division the WWE has liked to push recently. That is just the tag division, so I don't think I even need to mention anything else, including CM Punk's inability to bring any real change.
I do believe the fans deserve 2C what THEY want & not be told what they “should” C. Stop playing & give the fans what they want!
That is pretty much my belief and what I will say is the honest truth about the WWE. The WWE does not care about pleasing the majority of fans, the Internet fans, and certainly not any elitist 10% or less. The WWE's major goal is to push who they want and try to get the fans to buy into it and enjoy it. I have spoken many times about how they have done this in the diva division. One of the best examples is Michelle McCool's feud with Mickie James. McCool was a centerpiece failing to connect with the majority of fans. Does the WWE depush her because the fans aren't too interested? No. They rework things to try to make the fans interested. She can't get heat? Use Mickie James to try to get her a great reaction. I am not saying the WWE has no right to push people they believe have promise over certain other individuals, but when someone they want to work out is just failing hard and still getting overpushed, or when someone they never intended to work out is bringing great results and still not getting good pushes, the WWE pretty much deserves to have crappy ratings and everything else it currently faces. Not all fans are easily swayed by WWE propaganda.
How do I think a lot of the Ignorant Wrestling Community might view Melina's words? Many will view her as just trying to be self-righteous or bitter about how the WWE used her. She is just letting out emotion. Nothing she says is really grounded in fact. Thing is, if you think about it, it really is grounded in fact. I believe the reason some people keep coming back to my blog every week is because I can do somewhat of a good job in arguing that things like what Melina was talking about are sometimes logical conclusions that even a fan can come to by just analyzing what the WWE is doing and has done in the past. Make a prediction off that. If that prediction should happen, you might just have a theory on your hands that really does explain something about what the WWE is doing. I predicted Melina would get released a few months before it did happen. I didn't want it to happen, but my analysis of how the WWE was treating her seemed to have some merit to it. What am I predicting now? No genuine change will come from Melina's words. At the end of the day, it is the same old story and most fans are failing to take it seriously enough.
I always wondered how Vince McMahon felt about the greatest diva his diva division ever created getting booed at Wrestlemania against a new diva on the roster he was simply using to put the centerpiece over. The centerpiece was the face. The new diva was the heel. There had never been anything like that since the diva division was created.
But that is completely irrelevant to what I am about to talk about, right? Mickie James did the "V Lick" to Trish at Wrestlemania in 2006. I ordered that Wrestlemania. I loved that match. That moment did not bother me at all. I loved it. And this was still more than a year before I officially started calling myself a Mickie James fan. In other words, it was not blind love for Mickie that made me enjoy the match, the moment, or her entire gimmick. Problem is, Vince McMahon himself hated it. That is what Mickie James has revealed in a recent interview.
I'm sorry, but was the WWE PG back in 2006 too? No, it was not. Neverthless, I can imagine that some things should just never be done by a performer or promotion because it is in bad taste, too violent, or so on. But who really decides? Let me look back at the WWE history. In 1999, the WWE allowed The Big Bossman to have at least two very tasteless and insensitive storylines. Are you a fan of necrophilia? I'm a probably a pervert in a lot of ways, I'll admit that, but that storyline in the feud between Triple H and Kane was just stupid. How about Vince McMahon exposing his own ass and having people kiss it? Did you watch a certain Hell in a Cell match where Big Show's huge ass was exposed and Vince McMahon's bloody face was shoved right into it? That was just wrong on so many levels. Nudity, disgusting violence, and I do not even want to consider any sexual ideas that may spring from that image. Seriously, I don't. You know what the funniest thing about this sick moment was? It happened months after Mickie's match at Wrestlemania against Trish. Speaking for myself, I don't think Mickie James grabbing Trish's crotch and licking her fingers after is as horrible a scene as Vince McMahon and Big Show getting it on. Ric Flair has been a master of the testicular claw himself. Mickie James played her role as a psycho lesbian and the fans liked it.
Vince McMahon yells at Mickie James because she did something she thought the fans would be drawn to, which would then please Vince himself. As I have just pointed out, the WWE has done many outrageous things over the years, many of which were more tasteless and less effective in entertaining the fans than what Mickie James did. That being said, why would Vince be mad at Mickie? She is trying to do a good job and please him. Thing is, and this goes back to what I always say, it was never Mickie's job do get liked. The WWE did not want her to have the freedom to become as over as possible in that debut storyline. The goal was to put Trish over, like most other instances of diva centerpiece vs. credible diva jobber. Mickie James getting over was never a problem to Vince McMahon? Really? I'm not convinced.
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