What does this mean for the diva division? Nothing of value was lost. Maryse was a failed centerpiece, much like Candice Michelle. Remember what happened to Candice? She got injured multiple times, lost much of her promise in terms of wrestling ability, the WWE gave up on pushing her as Raw's centerpiece in 2008, and she was released a few months later in 2009. Maryse follows pretty much the same story. She never botched as hard as Candice did before her fall from the top, but she wasn't showing the signs of solid ability in the ring. As it stands, she was out for a while with another injury. What good would she be when she did return, even if she still wanted to wrestle? They could have pushed her on the periphery, but she was not that over anyway. It is interesting how she went her entire career without ever really being a true face.
Nothing of value was lost, but I do not hate Maryse. She's sexy and cute. What I hated was the WWE trying to push her as a centerpiece. It was not helping the division. I can say the same thing for Kelly Kelly's current treatment. I'm not going to miss Maryse, and I'm not going to complain that the WWE misused her, but I don't think she needs pro wrestling anyway. She'll find something else to do.
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