Orton's face character is turning pretty generic. Christian, meanwhile, seems to be orbiting Planet Rematch. The feud looks like it will never end. Mark Henry and Sheamus, the two wild cards and pawns of this whole storyline, are becoming more interesting than the two main players themselves.
The main thing that is lacking for me is the emotion. When Christian first won the title, it was a moment many wrestling fans enjoyed. Christian feuding with various heels would have been a breath of fresh air. These feuds would have had the feel of a new Champion out to prove he belongs with the top guys. There could have been a lot of heart there, if done right. After the WWE's decision to end the reign so fast, there was outrage from the fans. Emotion was still at a peak. But how does the WWE play it? Serious, respectable Christian continues his face role. Orton becomes a centerpiece face of Smackdown for the first time. Christian turns heel because he is unhappy he lost the title and could not get it back. Blames fans. All that typical stuff. Orton doesn't develop much at all. Christian has basically become a basic heel. Prolonging this feud at this rate is not going to make it more entertaining. There is no huge hook for the fans there anymore. Had they been able to play that serious emotion that was there when Christian first lost the title better, I believe this feud would be a lot better. Do not push Christian as this typical cool heel. I know he can pull it off, but he can connect with the fans better with a more serious character for this storyline. Orton can just keep doing what he's doing. Christian may be the credible jobber and Orton the centerpiece, but the WWE should really put more focus on Christian as the one to connect with the fans. If you do not do that, you do not make the moment mean as much for Christian when he regains the title, you do not draw in the fans as well as you can, and this thing is left with a lot of wasted potential.
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