Kelly Kelly will follow in line in what the WWE has tried to do with Candice Michelle, Michelle McCool, Maryse, and whoever else I might be overlooking at the moment. They will try to repeat the success they had with Trish Stratus with her. This time around, there will be no credible diva jobber who got over on her own to stand in the WWE's way for their plans for Kelly Kelly. Of course, Kharma was originally part of this build for Kelly Kelly. Needless to say, Kharma going out did not mean Kelly Kelly could not still be booked to win the title.
Even though I am not a fan of the diva division in respect to how it works and what it does, I think the WWE failed to deliver. They failed to build the moment up properly. Yes, they can say the fans "voted" Kelly Kelly into her title shot, in which she would win the title. But what about building up the Champ? What about making it seem like Kelly actually overcame something. Twin Magic did not play as much of a role as it could of. The match was better quality than most Raw diva matches, including last week's match, but it was not epic. The finish to the match was good, but not built up to as well as it could of. The reason why I am being so critical of this is because Kelly Kelly is pretty much it. If she should fail as the centerpiece, what other fresh model options are there who are even at her level in the ring and who the WWE might be willing to treat as a centerpiece. Not only does she have to bring it in the ring and her segments outside the action, the WWE has to book things right and someone has to make sure she learns how to make the most of her time out there. Kelly Kelly will never be able to say she accomplished what Mickie James did in the WWE, but the WWE is counting on her. So will she fail the WWE, or will they fail her?
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