After Raw went off the air to end the first taping on Monday, it was announced that CM Punk was "suspended" for his promo. In the second taping, which airs next week, Vince McMahon himself comes in to further the angle. A new contender for the WWE title is named. John Cena comes in as the moral champion he is, and says some little thing about freedom of speech. He still wants to face Punk. Whole lot of drama over it. In the end, Cena gets his wish. Vince adds in a small bit more. If Cena loses the title to Punk, he's fired.
Wow. John Cena annoys the hell out of me for this very reason right there. They push him as this moral, honest guy. If that is how he honestly is and wants to be in real life, fine. But marketing it as they though? It just makes me, speaking for myself, not buy it. And this whole storyline is now starting to bring back memories of what they did with Barrett's Nexus last year. They sold Cena as this guy who would not sacrifice his integrity to screw Orton out of the title. Cena then got fired, didn't sell it, went on to beat Barrett, and Nexus pretty much fell to pieces after that. Even under Punk, it was not as good. Even the Corre failed to be built as well as Barrett's Nexus. Then there was also the little bit of John Cena looking like a champion to children everywhere by having a little kid cost R-Truth the WWE title last week. I am still annoyed at how that match was the main event of the PPV. Cena overcoming R-Truth? Really? Cena overcoming a powerhouse like Batista or crafty heel with a sidekick like Miz can be seen as real title matches worthy of ending a show. But Cena against R-Truth? That is why the children aspect was there. Added more to the story. Actually made Cena's character look good. Better than squashing crazy R-Truth, or doing his typical "overcome the odds" thing, would have done for him. Now the WWE is pulling another card from the same deck with this CM Punk thing. Face it, if Punk wasn't leaving, his future after the title match would have looked just like Wade Barrett's after Nexus or R-Truth's now. R-Truth may have beaten Cena, but Truth is on the periphery of this feud. Just a pawn, like I have said Sheamus was for Christian/Orton. Truth really has no real focus on him as much as he did just a few weeks ago. And Alberto Del Rio is already in line for his shot to work with Cena. Back to Punk, and I do apologize for jumping all over, he would have gotten the same treatment. Even had he won the title, they would not stop pushing Cena as centerpiece. Even if it would mean pushing Cena vs. Vince McMahon himself, while Punk feuded with Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio, Cena would still be above Punk, getting more attention. Even in the best case scenario of Punk never leaving and winning the title like this, but still following WWE's typical booking, Punk's reign would be in the same neighborhood as his first title reign on Raw. Crap.
Even though I am disgusted by Cena angles like this, it does cause controversy, and that will draw. Just like Nexus got people talking, this current angle will get people talking. In my mind, it is the same stale garbage, just reworked. It will still draw. I am hoping for some kind of swerve. Punk wins title, but MitB winner screws him. Cena aligns with Vince and turns heel. Repeat of what happened with Bret Hart over 10 years ago. The WWE can definitely capitalize on the controversy further. The worst thing they could do is just use this storyline to sell Cena as a good guy who stands up to his boss for the sake of the fans and a guy who is his enemy, and then have him go over Punk cleanly. What would Cena have really accomplished? Overcoming a hostile Chicago crowd? I don't think beating Punk like that will silence the crowd.
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