I don't dislike it because I feel bad for Tiffany. I don't because of jealousy. None of those stupid reasons. What stupid reason do I have then? It is a cheap way to get Drew McIntyre over. Use an over diva to make McIntyre look like a dashing knight. Drew could not get himself over as a heel, even with an overpush from the WWE. I will not turn against him if he does get over, but things like this show just how bad the WWE is these days. Instead of having performers capable of getting themselves over, or letting the performers have the space to do it on their own, the WWE falls back on the same old tricks to try to convince fans to like or hate a person. If you really think about it, what is it from Drew that will get him over in this storyline? His wrestling ability. Not primarily. His promo ability and acting talent? Doesn't shine that much. His looks? Only for the girls, and even then, he's had that since he debuted. It is really the rub he will get from Kelly Kelly. After Drew does get over, and especially if they kill the romance angle awkwardly, you will have another Chris Masters on your hands. Remember Masters and Eve?
This does give something for Kelly Kelly to do. Can't complain there. Still, it would be nice if Drew comes out of this as a heel. Just drop Kelly Kelly with a DDT.
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