This is a fresh and credible choice to possibly win the title. Not only has she not been in the title hunt for a while, but she is an actual wrestler. That is why WWE hired her. Fans of straight wrestling will love to see her get the push. How many other choices are both credible and fresh? Smackdown has no healthy face divas with wrestling credibility. Beth Phoenix, who has not yet returned, is not fresh. Raw has a few women with wrestling credibility. Melina comes to mind, but they just used her as a tool to put McCool over already. Gail Kim is another, but the WWE does not seem to care about her at all. Eve has credibility through having been Diva's Champion before, but that is it. She would still be fresh to enter a title feud with LayCool, but it looks like the WWE wants to feed them the credible wrestlers first. That is how you build a Trish.
How does this coincide with the WWE's agenda? How often can Melina and Beth be the ones putting over McCool to become an 8-time Champion? Having McCool trade the title with low, crappy wrestlers will not be good for her either. Women like Natalya and Gail are the best options still in the WWE. AJ Lee will get her chance in a few months. Depending on how they push this feud between Natalya and McCool, they can use it to get McCool good heat again, as well as setting up another title reign for her.
Now for the negative stuff. First, Natalya is not very over. Pro wrestling is supposed to be about your own skill, talent and abilities entertaining the fans, not really winning titles. It is the former that really gets you over in most situations, not the latter. Would you rather not see Natalya get a fair chance to get over then? Or do you just want to see her get booked to have a title handed to her so it can eventually add another reign to the woman she took it from?
Second, just because I am talking in terms of her winning, that does not mean it must happen. Also, it does not mean that the WWE is really in love with her. Face it, Natalya is even bigger than Mickie James. If dirtsheets want to believe that looks really had something to do with Mickie James getting pushed/depushed and released, what chances does Natalya have of real proper treatment, whether during the title feud, title reign, or anything that may come after? In the end, this may just be the rise of Natalya as a fresh new face tool. Who do you think will get released next between Beth Phoenix and Melina?
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