He definitely did plant some seeds of still wanting to screw Bret Hart. It is not too clear what his plan is, but he was his usual energetic self with his promo. It is not like he has to answer to and please those creative writers. He can do pretty much whatever he wants. But what does he have planned for Bret? It seems like he wants Bret to fold under the pressure of being GM. He wants to kill Bret's enjoyment in his job. So far, nothing has really materialized to push Bret in that direction. Will Mr. McMahon have a heavy hand in creating these problems? That question is what will keep the storyline interest going.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Mr. McMahon Is NOT Dead!
He definitely did plant some seeds of still wanting to screw Bret Hart. It is not too clear what his plan is, but he was his usual energetic self with his promo. It is not like he has to answer to and please those creative writers. He can do pretty much whatever he wants. But what does he have planned for Bret? It seems like he wants Bret to fold under the pressure of being GM. He wants to kill Bret's enjoyment in his job. So far, nothing has really materialized to push Bret in that direction. Will Mr. McMahon have a heavy hand in creating these problems? That question is what will keep the storyline interest going.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Vacation Over For Taker
What do you do with him? Yes, he is obviously back in the title hunt again. There is also talk of him taking on Swagger at Summerslam. It would do Swagger good to go at it with a guy like The Undertaker. I know that they did it before on Raw, but it will be for the title this time. It will be a real feud this time. I really do not think Taker will regain the title. I do not think he should so fast. His first few title reigns had been spaced out horribly and did not last long, but his most recent reign made up for that. He defended the title a lot. He defended against a lot of top guys.
If Taker should not get the title back, what do I think the WWE should do with him? Obviously, just using him to put over Jack Swagger in a straight title feud is not enough. Taker is worth more than that. I think the WWE needs to design another epic feud for him. It can be with jack Swagger, but I do not feel the title needs to be involved. Taker has had epic feuds with the likes of Big Show, Edge, and Randy Orton. There is always a series of matches, including some gimmick matches. Like caskets? Burying people? Do I even need to mention Hell in a Cell? These are the kind of feuds that the fans will love to see Taker involved in. Problem is, who should he feud with? I already said that it need not be Jack Swagger. How about the other heel setting his sights on gold? CM Punk. They had a slightly epic feud last year, but I think more can be done. I know many fans were disappointed by the Hell in a Cell match they had last year. Give them another chance? Other than Punk and Swagger, the only other heel really on the rise is Drew McIntyre. Too soon for him? I remember Kennedy feuding with Taker in a series of matches a few years ago. Kennedy was not a main-eventer at the time. He had never held a World Championship. He still has never held one. Nevertheless, feuds like that helped build him. Does McIntyre deserve this? It is an option.
The Undertaker is the legend of Smackdown. With Shawn Michaels gone, Taker may be arguably the greatest legend left in the WWE. Imagine how he can help build the younger stars. Imagine the creative feuds you can have with his gimmick and legacy. I hope the WWE does not waste too much time in planning something good.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Victoria Back To WWE?
Why would the WWE be so specifically eager to get Victoria back? I understand that their recent stupidity has left them with a division needing a little more credible women wrestlers. However, I am sure they can remedy that by finally pushing Serena, Natalya, and Gail Kim better. Repeating what I just said, why specifically Victoria? She did not really reach the level Gail Kim did in TNA. Taking Victoria will not really cripple TNA that much. Let me rephrase the question. Why NOT Victoria? Why should the WWE not want her back? How about how she left the company? She gave off the impression that she wanted to retire. The WWE did not hand her a title in her final match, but they let her give a farewell in the WWE ring. There is a bit of respect to her in that. Victoria goes on to jump to TNA. At least when Ric Flair retired years ago, he initially intended to actually never wrestle again. When Victoria "retired" last year, she knew exactly what she intended to do next, and it was not to retire from wrestling. Fine, maybe she meant "retire" from the WWE. Fine. But now she wants to come back? Why should the WWE respect that? Victoria played with the WWE before. I do not feel that is something they should overlook in deciding whether they want her back.
Was the grass not greener, Victoria? It is not hard to see why Victoria wanted to "retire" from the WWE when she did. She was not being respected. Last time I checked, things are getting worse, not better. Is Victoria that desperate for money? The fact that she was not enjoying her treatment before is obviously a main reason in her decision to jump ship. The treatment will not improve. Does she not remember being left off of a commercial for the Smackdown women that included everyone else but her and Natalya? I remember her complaining a few months ago about the WWE not showing proper appreciation to her when they left her off a list of influential women in the WWE. Really, Victoria? The WWE dropped both Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair from their intro since they went to TNA, but you expect them to include someone they saw as a tool like you on a list honoring women, none of whom were in TNA at the time but you? I do not feel Victoria may properly appreciate working in the WWE. Then again, maybe the fact that she left TNA may have opened her eyes. The WWE does treat their women like crap. But if you want to return their, you better be prepared for it.
Victoria played with the WWE. The WWE mistreated her. Why would either of them want to enter this again? Victoria has not gotten any younger. She has not done anything to really warrant the WWE to take her back. The WWE has been putting titles more and more on the eye-candy women. That is a sign of the direction they are headed. If Victoria actually wants back in the WWE, and gets it, I hope she gets exactly what she deserves.
McIntyre Still Going Strong
What does the future hold for Kofi and McIntyre? The WWE booked Kofi's last title reign very well in one way. He got a lot of title defenses. What it lacked was storyline creativity. Will that happen to Kofi again? It depends whether he even gets through McIntyre, who has a rematch coming. I would hate to see them give the title back to Drew so fast, but you never can tell with the way they book him. I would rather see Drew continue his feud with Teddy Long without the title. It may do a lot in sending Drew to the main event. That is where they want him, right? Just like Sheamus?
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Mr. Anderson Has The Mic
The angle revolves around Kennedy trying to turn face. A lot of examples of this in pro wrestling history. In recent memory, and since I used to write about divas, the WWE had Maryse play respectable and good for a few weeks with Gail Kim. Maryse ended up only faking the turn to have fun at Gail's expense. TNA is not throwing things clearly into one direction to make you think that Anderson is either face for no hidden reason or heel in sheep's clothing. That added element of uncertainty is not the only reason I like this story more than what the WWE pulled a few months ago. As I said before, Kennedy is delivering with his character. Maryse did not do that. I do not care if Maryse wants to play evil in French. Anderson does not need to bust out a different language every five minutes to keep me interested. I do not care about any homosexual tension between him and Jeff. I say that because I recall some fans seeing lesbian tension between Gail and Maryse. Wow! I do not need that. Lastly, I am liking this angle more because I do not think it will get a lackluster finish or development like the WWE diva angle got. Gail reveals she speaks and understands French. Then? Done. Stupid. Maryse gets the title. This TNA angle can possibly be what I wanted to see from the WWE diva angle.
I am not going to try to predict what TNA has planned for Kennedy. Is this all part of a cunning heel plan? Will he try to be face, but then some issue with another face forces him to snap and go heel again? Will Jeff turn heel? I have my doubts on that last one. I am just going to sit back and enjoy it. This is something I actually can enjoy.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Batista Is Gone
I thought Batista was an idiot since they really started pushing him. Before that, while he was Devon's sidekick, I did not care about him at all. He got on the right peoples' sides and became a star. He became huge. I cannot deny that. After reading a lot of reports, I also cannot deny that this guy has been an ass to many, both men and women, both fans and wrestlers. I do not really want to hear what story he has to tell about the tough life he has had, that does not give him a right to be a jerk.
Most people will find Batista funny for the little awkward moments he has had. Basketballs don't hold grudges? Always asking for rematches? Yes, he created fads for many Internet fans. In how stupid they were, even I got some amusement from them. And I have to admit that I did find his final run as a heel funny, especially when they had him become a total ass to get heat. He was not really getting it before he took his character there. However, part of me believes that it was really not that hard for him to pretend to be a jerk and ass. For Dave Batista, it seems to just come natural.
With the way he went out, part of me does not think this is over. He may just return one day for something. I doubt he will go to TNA. They probably could not afford him. If he wants to do MMA, fine. Acting? Go ahead. I do not really care. I will not be tuning in to check up on him.
The WWE is not crippled with the less of Dave Batista. Raw was stacked with heels. Both Jericho and Edge, who turned heel on his first night back on Raw, were sent over from Smackdown. Sheamus is still being pushed hard. A guy like Miz practically has one foot in the main event. Smackdown has Swagger, Punk, and can build new stars, such as Drew McIntyre. With Batista gone, there may actually be more freshness in the WWE. Well, depending on how fresh you think John Cena vs. Sheamus or John Cena vs. Edge or John Cena vs. Orton can be. Just toss all four in the same ring. That is your next PPV.
Monday, May 24, 2010
New Raw GM? Bret Hart!
R-Truth defeated Miz to win the vacated title. About time R-Truth won a title since coming back to the WWE. He is popular and entertaining in the ring. The WWE seemed interested to push him for a while now, but giving him the title will make that easier. I do feel bad for Miz. Loss after loss. They had built him up so well a long time ago. I am not saying they are undoing him. He lost in a good match and had promo time before the match. I just hope they find something for him. As for the title itself, I think it would have been more creative to prolong a feud until the PPV to crown a new Champion. Do something like they did for the Diva's Championship, only not kill the hype in favor of Smackdown's Trish Stratus.
Back to Bret Hart. Vince McMahon does still run things, right? All the reports about them killing his character off aside, even if it was possible to wipe him out of history without faking another death, he is still the figurehead. Just like the WWE continues to bring up Trish Stratus's name as some kind of diva goddess every other woman must strive to be like, Vince is still being brought up. Sooner or later, he will return. I am anticipating some kind of good swerve. In terms of storyline, what evil motivation led to Vince allowing Bret to be GM? This may not come to fruition for a while, if at all, but I guess that is what will keep viewers tuning in.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Randy Orton Injured At Over The Limit
Of course, I am hoping he recovers soon. I am still an Orton fan. If he is on the shelf for a while, his feud with Edge will have to take a break. The match ended in a double countout. Nothing can be settled like that. We will see what Orton comes back with next. He should just stick to the Orton pose.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Carlito Released
I can keep this simple. No real sorrow for Carlito being released. On some occasions, it was clear that he was not enthusiastic about working for the WWE, and I am not talking about just complaints he made on TV in kayfabe. He seemed to just want his release at times. He got it. I am not putting full blame on Carlito. If he was not happy in the WWE, if he feels the WWE was overlooking him, if he is upset about his treatment, I can understand that it is sometimes hard to put your heart in your work. He is a good worker deep down inside. Some people can absorb mistreatment and still give it their all. Others have a bit of self-respect that demands they take only so much. It is not always easy to condemn either of these type of people. Carlito has wrestling in his name. I am sure this is not the end of him.
Big Show Has A Chance?
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Michael Cole Finally Getting His Push?
A lot of people like to poke fun at Michael Cole. Over the past year or so, he has really been even mocking himself. He has been showing a bit more character here and there. He even turned into something of a heel for NXT. His issues with Bryan Danielson will not end that easy. Is it time for Cole to be more than just a commentator? Does he want to be? What can he do? A minor feud with Danielson? They will never have to wrestle a real match, but they can just follow the path of Bret Hart. How about Cole becomes his manager? Either he learns to respect Danielson or Danielson turns heel. The WWE just seems to really be pushing that Cole is more than a guy who calls matches now. I would expect something more to come from that.
What will happen to the Raw announce team if Cole got involved in angles? Should he stop announcing, would this not free up a spot for Jim Ross to return? I am sure Raw is where he would want to be anyway. Problem is, does the WWE want him back? Does the WWE really want to even start down this path? All speculation.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Where Does Miz Go After Jericho?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
DiBiase Gets His Virgil
Monday, May 17, 2010
Bret, Just Leave
The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. Is that not hype some people would love living on? Why would they want to ruin it? That is what Bret Hart has done. Bret Hart defeated The Miz to win the United States Championship. Once again, the "match" was pathetic. It was a glorified segment, not a real match. I hope Canada enjoyed it.
WWE does not need Bret Hart the same way TNA needs these old guys who will not quit. TNA is trying to draw with big names to be able to compete. WWE is already the powerhouse. They have built Cena extraordinarily, not to mention others. Can Bret Hart really draw that well on his own? And at least guys like Flair can get beaten up in a match and get in to some fights without it looking too PG. All Bret can do is his Sharpshooter? Oh, and summon people to do everything else for him? This is how he wants to go out?
I am not upset about Miz losing the title. He held it for a long time. Like many people who hold a title for a long time in the WWE, he was not defending it much. I can even understand a heel like Miz taking a humiliating loss. It happens. But I do not think Miz should have lost it to Bret Hart. What happens to all those fans who thought Bryan Danielson would take Bret's place and take the title? Did not happen. For months, many fans wanted this guy's first WWE win to be taking the title off Miz. Will not happen now. His first win was a tag match on Raw before he got eliminated. Miz can still regain the title and lose it to Danielson, but the long reign has already ended. Some of the fuel is lost.
What is done is done. Moolah got a final joke reign, so why not Bret? I am not saying these legends do not deserve to be honored, but handing them wrestling titles after there time is done is not always the way. In my mind, it is more of a disappointment with Bret Hart. So much hype over his wrestling ability. He talks about guys who will not quit when they should. If Bret Hart cannot do anything in that ring to really grab the fans' respect anymore, I do not want to see him.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Who Likes The Champ?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
How About Teddy For Raw GM?
Why Teddy? It may bring some closure to his troubles on Smackdown. It can clear the way for Vickie Guerrero to take full control of Smackdown, unless they have someone else in mind. On Raw, Long can call the shots without guest host crap getting attention for the booking. He can remain somewhat neutral and fair. The celebrities can push whose side they are on. And most people do not recall Teddy ever having power on Raw at all. He has been the main GM on ECW and Smackdown. Time for Raw?
Few holes in the idea. First, is the WWE still really interested in finding a new permanent GM? Even if they are only interested in shifting bodies around until a final decision is made, which may be a good idea, let Teddy Long be one of the bodies who is in charge for one night. Have something happen to make it so that he cannot be permanent GM, or so they would want fans to think. After another few weeks of having other "permanent GMs" run the show, but only to get bumped off at the end of the night, have a final decision made by naming one of the people who ran it for a night or swerve everyone with a totally different choice. However, there is another hole here. Vince does not seem pleased with Teddy Long in this angle. Why would Vince seemingly reward him by naming him Raw GM? The WWE can dance around this issue by saying "The Board of Directors" chose Long. In the end, would it still not be easy for Vince to make life miserable for Teddy?
Teddy has been on probation for months now. Is this angle going to last longer than MVP's losing streak? I have to admit, they are at least still keeping it fresh a bit.
Drew Stays Golden Without Even Having To Fight A Match
The WWE took a cheap way out. One week after the shocker, Drew returns. Kofi Kingston had won the Intercontinental Championship. All Drew did was show up with his support from Mr. McMahon and get back his job and title. I do not mind this gimmick of Drew having Mr. McMahon protecting him, but they got to do more than this.
Kofi will probably enter a feud with McIntyre. He will probably win the title. They cannot screw Kofi like this. Smackdown was supposed to be his fresh start. Then again, they could choose to keep the title on McIntyre until Matt Hardy returns in the picture. With all due respect to Matt, I would rather see Kofi get the title back. The main event does not have space for Kofi yet. What else is he supposed to do to build him up? Feud with CM Punk and his minion? Hmmm....they did hold tag gold together before. That is another issue.
What about the larger picture involving Drew being Vince's pet? This thing really looked good last week. It is not starting to look like the same old crap again. Drew loses a match, Vince wipes it off the record. Drew cannot qualify for Money in the Bank, Vince keeps giving him shots. Drew gets fired, Vince rehires him. Drew gets his title taken away from him, Vince gives it back. I think we get the picture. They need to really escalate this thing now. Either lead to it getting Teddy fired, bring Vince directly into the picture, or do something that either elevates Drew's character further or breaks him. I do not care which. I like Drew. The WWE just seems to be dropping the ball.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Abyss Framed!
Go Toss Me A Salad, Maryse
Instead of featuring any diva matches on the Raw broadcast this week, we had short vignettes featuring Eve and Maryse. There is your main face and heel of Raw. The segments basically pushed the same idea, which is that these women know how to fight. Wow. Usually, I would say how great it is to let the divas get time to show character. However, when that "character" is that they know how to fight, I do not want to see that crap in segments. I want to see it in the ring.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Heel Colons
Monday, May 10, 2010
Guest Host Power Lessens?...Maybe?...Almost?
Even while they were hyping the new GM, they were also hyping that there was still a guest host that night and there would be one for next week. I probably should have seen that as the hint that some swerve was coming. I still believe that the WWE could try having both a regular GM and having celebrities appear regularly to hype their own projects and get involved in a limited amount of segments. No need to give them power to make matches or have them wrestle so much. If they want to take RKOs, fine. I would just rather see someone who may show up the following week to get payback get it instead. Besides, a permanent GM on Raw means a permanent authority figure to get involved in lasting storylines. A lot of storylines and superstars can benefit from that.
The night ended with Randy Orton scaring Vickie into quitting. What was accomplished? Orton looks more like a hero, as if this guy needed help getting pops. Edge continues in his promise to bring controversy back. Better job tonight than he has last few weeks. Edge solidifies himself more as a heel by once again siding with Vickie. This just shines of his old heel character.
Was something else accomplished? Could this be the scattering of the seeds? Is this the first part in finding a new permanent GM? I already said that guest hosts and a GM can both exist on Raw. May they even be laying the foundation for the end of the guest hosts entirely? It depends a lot if the WWE will continue to push Edge's dislike for the guest hosts. Will they just treat it as no one else being willing to take the job after Vickie left? That would be kind of cheap. I think it would be so easy to just bring someone else in as GM right next week. I would like to see it.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Pour You Another, Punk?
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Cryme Tyme's Solo
Walking A Generic Mile

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Knockouts Work For Peanuts
Now more light has been shed on this issue. Reports say that TNA's Knockouts usually make between $200 and $400 per appearance. Considering that these wrestlers get attention worldwide, would you not expect a lot more than that? Of course, TNA does not seem to put too huge of a chokehold on what their talent can do wrestling-wise outside of their company. Even then, I still do not think all the other sources of income can make up for paying wrestlers getting such attention so little. This division used to be the biggest draw of the company. Are they really doing as good of a job in attracting that talent?
One argument as to why TNA does this to their women that I came across is that they view the women as interchangeable. I am not going to waste time knocking the validity source, but just looking at that argument straight on, TNA would have to be idiots to think like that. You want interchangeable? Hire a model, gymnast, dancer, or some other woman with no wrestling experience whatsoever. Teach these beauties how to wrestle. In my eyes, that is interchangeable. I do not believe I am wrong in saying that the possible pool of talent trying to make it in the Unites States pro wrestling scene holds more men who know how to wrestle awesomely than women who know how to wrestle awesomely. How can you see these women as interchangeable? All you may end up changing is mediocrity for mediocrity. Paying them so little is one thing, but when you find you have one who knows how to wrestle an awesome match and is getting over with the fans, reward that woman to keep her. I am not talking about title wins. Raise that pay! There are more important things in this world than titles. Being practical, money is worth more. How is TNA rewarding these type of women? $10 raises?
TNA has some heavy issues. Is it worse than that other big wrestling company in the United States? Your call. If you do not show better appreciation for what you have, you may not have it for long.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Lesson From Your Father
I honestly believe this thing has the potential to really make Ted DiBiase Jr. shine. Legacy did not really do that for him. Rushing him to win gold as soon as he did with Cody Rhodes did not really do that for him. He is finally being allowed to let his own character shine better than it has since his WWE debut. If the WWE continues with this by either treating his belt as a real title or push to find him a lackey, you can have some great storylines and feuds out of that. Run with both ideas. Bring back his dad and push another angle using them. Make a stable. There are so many possibilities. HOWEVER, I would not like to see the WWE spam all the possibilities. Do not explore all the routes. Why not? Why invest so much in one guy? A lot can be done with just one focus. There is no way I can picture the WWE turning Raw into Ted DiBiase's Variety Show. Pick a story and tell it.
If all goes well, I would not be shocked to see Ted DiBiase one day be a World Champion. I would not be surprised to see him become a great heel. He is definitely one of the most interesting things on Raw right now. How will the WWE keep the ball rolling?
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Controversial Edge Meets PG
Monday, May 3, 2010
He's Single, Ladies!
"Woo Woo Woo" really came into being on ECW. You know it? I will assume so. He actually challenged for the ECW Championship. To be honest, a lot of guys have. What really made me think for a second that they would do something with him is that he was involved in the last main event of ECW. He did that minor run in. In retrospect, why? William Regal was there to mess up the match enough for Christian. The more interference, the more epic the match may seem. That is true. But you also have the fact that Zack Ryder ended up on the same show as Christian. They really could have had some kind of final feud to settle things. That never happened.
Raw tonight was sad for Zack Ryder. He was out there trying to impress Alicia Fox and Gail Kim. Modified Jamie Noble on our hands here? Mark Henry killed him and left with the hookers....oh! I mean, the two female wrestlers. Yes, the WWE treats their women right. He has been treated as unimportant since coming to Raw, but he just seems to be going down further. His romance angle with Rosa is killed off without much hype. He is being treated as your typical small heel going against a big face, and loses. And is just being humiliated for the sake of comedy. Yes, at least he is still getting an angle, but this angle has been done before. I am not a huge fan of it. I cannot see it doing anything great for him. They have gone from setting him up to succeed to setting him up to fail.
Does Zack Ryder deserve better. He seemed impressive on ECW. On Raw, he seems so much more simple. I can spend time talking about where the WWE might go next for this. What diva, if any, may feel pity for him? Will this lead to a face turn? I am not going to go there. I want to see where the WWE goes with it next time. It would be funny if this would be the start of something good.