Tuesday, October 28, 2014

TNA's Rebel

Rebel (Tanea Brooks) is a new KO that debuted this year. She just started wrestling on Impact in recent weeks. I read up a little on her recently and was interested by what I found out.

First of all, she's an eye-candy KO. She didn't get into the company because she was a wrestler on the independent circuit. She wasn't even a valet on the independent circuit. She was a model/cheerleader for years. She is friends with Christy Hemme. That is what led to her getting in the company. She is obviously hot. Since then, she has been training to be a wrestler. Sounds like the typical story of a WWE eye-candy diva.

The other thing that stood out was her age. She is currently 36. I don't want to put her down for her age. Shakira, my favorite singer and a woman I find one of the sexiest in the world, is 37. But that is a late age to get started in pro wrestling, especially for someone that wants to wrestle and not just be a valet/manager. Can you imagine the WWE hiring an eye-candy diva at that age? And it's not like she's coming from a rival promotion where she has already gained some experience in the business. I cannot imagine the WWE doing that. Kudos to TNA for not discriminating based on age? Yeah, I think it is good of them to give Rebel a chance.

A while ago, I talked about how TNA could make a diva-style women's division. They have women they could push as an eye-candy centerpiece. They have a lot of women that know how to wrestle. They maintain a tone of respectability by not holding their women back and are efficient in that sense. They are good at featuring women's wrestling. Where they can improve is making stars and featuring them. Aside from centerpieces and credible jobbers, one thing that has made the diva division great in the past is a great periphery. Lita was a periphery diva. You had eye-candy divas like Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson doing things in the periphery.

Could someone like Rebel help TNA run a better diva-style women's division than the WWE? I think so. She is already in a periphery position. TNA just needs to feature her interestingly and consistently. And another thing I find interesting about Rebel in TNA, she is an eye-candy performer that isn't really pushed with a generic, glamorous character. Most eye-candy divas in the WWE will have that type of simple character. It works because they are so hot and they have cute characters. Rebel doesn't dress like a generic, glamorous eye-candy performer. She is part of a unique stable. I couldn't even tell she had a model background and no history in pro wrestling whatsoever when I first saw her, which is why I found it interesting when I found that out.

TNA really is in a better position to beat the WWE at their own game. They have Taryn Terrell, who can be pushed as the centerpiece. They have women on the roster they can push as credible jobbers or can easily bring in to add depth there. Someone like Rebel can be an interesting character in the periphery. All they have to do is maintain their respectability and give all their workers fair opportunities to get over and earn those better pushes. The WWE has no centerpiece right now. Their depth when it comes to credible jobbers is poor. They have a lot of periphery divas being misused. They are not respectable. They are inefficient. Not giving their workers fair shots to get over and move on to the better positions is one of the main reasons things have slowly collapsed to where we are today. Yeah, I would say TNA is easily in a position to beat the WWE at their own game right now. They just need to learn to be consistent.

Right now, I feel Rebel is connecting well with the fans. She is connecting with the fans the way an eye-candy performer should. A lot of the men love her booty, and her gimmick can help her connect with other fans. But would it annoy some fans to see an eye-candy performer like her get pushed? Some fans shake their heads at what is going on with The Bellas now. They look down on them and their wrestling ability. Rebel is still in the process of improving. These fans praise Trish and Lita and how things were back then in the golden age. Keep in mind that Trish was an eye-candy diva. Keep in mind that there were other eye-candy divas even during the golden age. Playboy pushes were leading to matches at Wrestlemania. The Diva Search started during the golden age. Torrie Wilson and Dawn Marie had a storyline on Smackdown back then that some fans might view as bad as what you have with The Bellas. Some fans seem to have a selective memory. Things weren't all about respectable women's wrestling back then as some fans make it sound. But the WWE ran a great division back then. And TNA can run that type of division now. I would not criticize TNA for giving time to Rebel and possibly pushing her better in the future. Things like this made the WWE diva division great at one time. And TNA might be able to do it better.

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