Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Eva Marie

What's worse than Jinder Mahal jobbing to a midget bull? Eva Marie doing pretty much anything. That is the attitude many fans have about Eva. I have never really spoken about her. Let me say a little today.

Eva Marie is an eye-candy periphery diva. She certainly doesn't have the wrestling ability to be a credible jobber. She certainly isn't getting developed to be the centerpiece. She's an eye-candy diva. She's there for her looks and Total Divas. And she is beautiful. I am not that drawn to her, although her hair does stand out, but I will admit she is beautiful. I would probably like her if she went with her natural color.

If this was the first dark age, Eva Marie would be having catfights and running around in her bra and thong. She would be in the same position as women like Terri or The Kat. Just go back to about 5 years ago. Eva Marie would be in the place of someone like Maria. What has changed? First, the WWE is now PG. Things that helped eye-candy divas get over so easily back then are not done now. Moreover, the WWE has become inefficient with their eye-candy periphery divas. They do not utilize them right. There is no good development of their characters. Eva Marie has not exactly gotten any consistent treatment in her short time in the WWE.

Do I think Eva Marie gets a lot of unnecessary hate? Yes. If she was overpushed and doing a horrible job connecting with the fans and me, then I would hate her. You don't even see her that often. Yes, she has some awkward moments, but she is not really a major part of the division. I wouldn't make a big deal out of her. If the WWE just stopped putting her in the ring and found a good periphery purpose for her, fans might start connecting with her just for her looks and whatever character she may end up having. Women like her got title reigns during the first dark age. If those same women were here today and being utilized like Eva Marie is, they would be hated by many fans, as well. If Eva was in their place back then, I think she would be more liked.

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