Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sheamus Vs. Christian: Why Bother?

Before Elimination Chamber, it seemed like a feud between Sheamus and Christian would be likely heading into Wrestlemania. These two guys had already faced each other in a singles match, but the WWE could still develop a great rivalry heading into the big PPV.

So far, how has the WWE been developing this feud? It just feels disappointing. The storyline seems so basic. A frustrated Christian once again goes heel. These two have also faced each other too much in singles matches recently. To top it all off, it doesn't help that there are much bigger things going on and fans have not reacted well to these two going at it. This is just coming off as filler. Wrestlemania filler.

Obviously, recent developments in the last few months have led to the WWE changing things. But can this feud be saved? Can it be made into more than filler? Saying it is filler may be unfair. It featured Christian going heel, so it served that purpose. But this Christian heel character has been done before. And Sheamus is Sheamus. No real character development for him. I cannot imagine how they can make this storyline better. Having Christian go even more intense than he already has would be nice. Would adding in a few guys and making this a tag match be good? I don't think so. I think the best thing to do would be to develop a Wrestlemania match between the two as some kind of special match. Cage? Hardcore? Tables? You have seen these guys going at it in regular matches already. Raise things to another level for Wrestlemania. Make it more worthy for Wrestlemania. Right now, this feud is not worthy for the big event.

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