Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wade Barrett Wins The Intercontinental Championship

Kofi Kingston has lost the Intercontinental Championship to Wade Barrett. This is a very good move to still keep some attention on Barrett. It is true that this is pretty much the same spot he was in almost two years ago. He beat Kofi Kingston to win his first IC title. He beats him again to win his second IC title. What does that tell you about the midcard? I would say that pushing some new guys would be nice. Nevertheless, this may not be the same as touching the main-event scene's fringes, as Barrett was doing prior to his injury last year, but a good title reign can help transition him back into that bigger push, when the time is right.

And what about Kofi? I just finished saying that a good title reign can help transition Barrett to a bigger push. Kofi Kingston is a guy that seems to be always moving in and out of title reigns, but he has always been a midcarder. I am not expecting a bigger push for him now. He will probably get another good show at the Royal Rumble, but he will still be in the midcard. There are too many top guys right now ahead of him. After Kofi finishes up with Barrett, should he move on to Antonio Cesaro? If they don't develop some singles feud for him, I can picture him once again getting lost in multi-man matches.

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