Wednesday, June 18, 2014


You sometimes have a gimmick debut that causes some buzz. Brodus Clay debuting his dancing gimmick is an example of that. You had another example of that this week. Cody Rhodes got himself a makeover.

Stardust is getting some mixed reactions. Some fans say this is horrible for Cody, while some are saying this gimmick can take him far. Speaking for myself, I like this gimmick. I hate Fandango's gimmick, but I like this? This just seems more entertaining. Besides, Cody Rhodes is a better performer. He has had a variety of gimmicks over the years. I didn't care too much for the others, but this one stands out.

Where will this go? Is this just a short thing to further develop the eventual split between Cody and Goldust? Or will this stick for a while? I hope it sticks. The Rhodes could regain some momentum with this. Don't break them up yet. There are so few legitimate tag teams, and especially legitimate tag teams with credibility. The Rhodes have been stuck facing the same team for too long. That shows that lack of depth.

I wasn't enthusiastic before about The Wyatts winning the tag titles. That was back when The Usos were just supporting players in the feud between John Cena and Bray Wyatt. Now that the feud between Cena and Wyatt is over, a title match between The Wyatts and The Usos would not be just a side matter. The heel team might as well win it. Not a lot of other options around. Once The Wyatts win the title, that can soon transition to a feud between The Rhodes and The Wyatts.

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