Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Wrestlemania XXX Preview: John Cena Vs. Bray Wyatt & Brock Lesnar Vs. The Undertaker

Cena has the momentum heading into Wrestlemania. That is usually a sign that the other guy is winning. Are they really going to do that to John Cena? Have him lose his fourth consecutive PPV match? Have him lose at Wrestlemania? Have him lose to Bray Wyatt?

It could all happen. I am getting that same vibe the WWE was giving off a few year ago when Randy Orton faced Kane at Wrestlemania. Orton looked strong before Wrestlemania. Since Wrestlemania fell on his birthday that year, that might make you think even more that they would let him win. He didn't. Orton still ended up winning the feud against Kane, and that is what will likely happen with Cena and Bray Wyatt. Cena will win the feud in the end, regardless of the outcome at Wrestlemania. Coincidentally, today happens to be Orton's birthday. Happy birthday to him.

I still don't get this feud. They are really making it sound like Cena has to "defend" his legacy against Bray Wyatt at Wrestlemania. They have pretty much already sold that Cena can rise above Bray Wyatt's mind games. But how exactly is Cena's legacy really in danger? He's lost at Wrestlemania before. People say that Bray will ruin Cena by beating him cleanly. Cena lost cleanly to The Rock at Wrestlemania two years ago. Bray Wyatt has been pretty much all talk. Even a win against Cena, even a clean one, will not ruin Cena. And the WWE has not done anything to really sell that Cena is in danger. This feud is overrated.

This feud will likely go on beyond Wrestlemania. It doesn't look like they would be ready to put Cena back in the title hunt. You have Triple H, Daniel Bryan, Batista, and Randy Orton all involved in title matters. It is not likely that they will all go their separate ways after this Sunday. And the feud between Cena and The Wyatts might actually get more interesting if given more time. They might actually do more to break Cena down. Even though I cannot imagine Cena losing again, I would say Bray Wyatt either wins at Wrestlemania or there is some kind of DQ to give Cena the win, keep Bray Wyatt looking strong, and extend the feud. DQs at Wrestlemania are so cheap.

This one seems obvious. Brock Lesnar has the momentum heading into Wrestlemania. There is also the possibility that Sting finally faces The Undertaker at Wrestlemania next year. You would want The Undertaker to remain undefeated for that. Put it all together, Taker wins this Sunday.

The match these two put on should be great. But the build up has been so basic. I didn't like last year's build between CM Punk and Taker. I didn't feel offended by what they did after Paul Bearer died. I just thought it was cliche and everything you would expect from the WWE and CM Punk. It didn't draw me in. The hype they created when Taker faced Triple H and Shawn Michaels prior to that was so much better. This year feels worse than last year. A bunch of promos. The few weeks they did have physical altercations, Taker dominated. The week before Wrestlemania, Brock gets back momentum. I know how great Paul Heyman is on the mic, but I just don't feel the hype.

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