Within just weeks after returning to TNA, Gail Kim won more titles than she did from her second coming to the WWE about 2 years ago to her walking out this year. With Madison Rayne, she won the Knockout Tag Championships from Tara and Brooke. She then went on to beat Velvet for the Knockout's Championship. That is a sign of appreciation right there.
The gauntlet match on Impact last week showcased almost every woman in the company who might want a shot at Gail Kim. It looked good. According to quarterly ratings for that Impact, the segment which contained the second half of that match scored a 1.41, making it the top segment of the night. That segment also contained a backstage segment involving Bully Ray that lasted 2 minutes at most. 10 minutes of women wrestling or 2 minutes of Bully Ray, which really had the most to do with that high rating? Eye candy either way, isn't it? To put things in perspective, the second highest quarterly rating for that night was reported to be a 1.19. That is a huge difference. It looks like the Knockouts still have some power to draw. Impact scored a 1.15 overall, and this was against NFL action. Thanksgiving will be the biggest test to see if it can stay above 1.0.
Mickie James won the right to face Gail Kim. Like I said before, you can see that TNA does care about Mickie James. They didn't just book her to win, they also allowed her to go over 6 other women straight. That made her look good. This is the first televised match she has won since September. Everything else has been a few losses in tag matches and that Bound For Glory match, just being used in promos, or not being featured at all. I could say that I am bringing that up to show that TNA is not using Mickie James well enough, but this is actually for those who may say that she is used too much. She hadn't won an important match in over a month. If TNA really wanted to, they could have definitely have even inserted her in the title match between Gail Kim and Velvet Sky. I wouldn't say they are using her too much. And it is not just a matter of how much they use her, but also how well they are using her. That is another issue.
Gail Kim vs. Mickie James. You can see that TNA has to have this feud. Even before that 2009 match on Raw, people wanted to see these two feud. The WWE did not run with a feud. They teased that Gail might turn heel, dropped that angle, just tossed a random title match, and I am sure many remember what happened. TNA now has a chance to put these two in a real feud. Judging by how they treated Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne, this feud is going to be stretched out. That is a good thing, as long as they keep good focus, do not stretch it out for too long, and do not follow the exact same pattern as Mickie's only two major feuds in TNA so far. She feuds with the sidekick of the major heel, moves on to the major heel, and still has to contend with the sidekick, as well as foreign objects. Gail Kim obviously has a sidekick in Madison Rayne. I just hope they don't have Gail pick up some kind of weapon to be associated with her. Loaded glove, mist, and then? Duct tape? Am I serious?
Gail Kim is definitely in a better place now. With her, TNA is in an even better position to keep their women's division fresh, and with workers who are mostly experienced and solid. If they just do a better job at rotating who gets pushed, you can continue to have excellent feuds. Keep in mind, however, that they should always keep women like Gail Kim and Mickie James relevant somehow. Don't ruin their own ability to draw for you.
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