Wade Barrett, the former leader of Nexus, current Intercontinental Champion, and a guy who can say he was in a few PPV main events in just his rookie year, is feuding with a member of his own group? Before that, they were teasing even bigger tension within the Corre. I know Zeke was the last ECW Champion in the WWE and is a powerhouse. That means he should be getting a push now? The group should be pushed as a unit, not slowly falling to pieces. I know very well the main event is booked up on Smackdown. Edge was feuding with Del Rio before. Christian and Orton are currently heading towards a huge storyline before Christian rejoins the midcard. No space for Barrett. He was in the Elimination Chamber title match, but it really wasn't so much about him. Point is, I can understand not overpushing Wade or his gang. That does not mean that they cannot make an elaborate midcard storyline for these guys that does not involve Zeke getting pushed outside the group. I would have rather there be a title feud between Barrett and Daniel Bryan. There is a story there. I know there may not be a ton of options for Corre to terrorize at the moment, so a good midcard feud would be good. This feud with Zeke is not good in my eyes because it is breaking the group up, giving a push to one member at the expense of the others, and I just do not buy the entertainment value. I don't think Zeke deserves the push. Barrett or the group as a whole should be built to look good right now. A strong heel stable will be good to feud against for whoever ends up top face between Christian and Orton.
Just a small mention about Raw's version of this, New Nexus. Mason Ryan, the Batista clone, is getting the spotlight there? Are you serious? Mason Ryan? CM Punk has been slightly put on ice so Ryan can get the attention. New Nexus has been pathetic since Punk took it over. Blame the WWE, not Punk. Nevertheless, pushing this group's version of Zeke is not really something I am looking forward to. I never liked Batista. Thing is, it was easy to accept him as a main-eventer because they teamed him with Triple H and Flair so soon after he left Smackdown and started getting pushed on his own. They formed Evolution, which was quite possibly the greatest stable in the history of the WWE when you consider every member held numerous World titles, tag titles, won the Rumble, got the rubs and the hype, and so on. New Nexus is pathetic compared to them. Trying to push Mason Ryan to be another Batista, if that is really there goal, is going to be painful to sit through. Punk isn't giving him a good rub. Ryan does not seem interesting enough on his own to make this something I will like. Much like Zeke, he's another muscle head who can slam Big Show. Wow! Once you see Cena do it every year or two, it just doesn't look as impressive when the WWE tries to overhype guys even bigger than Cena doing it.
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