If the flopping around last week was not bad enough, the Raw before the PPV does not even feature proper build for John Morrison in this match. When R-Truth first got placed into the title match, I was interested to see how they would build him as a main-eventer. That got screwed over. John Morrison takes his spot, but he isn't even getting built into a main-eventer himself. All he did on Raw was attack R-Truth after his promo, which probably lasted even longer than Taker's usual entrance. Almost? Instead of getting built to be on the same level as Cena or Miz, Morrison stays at the same level as R-Truth. Together, both are gaining no new ground.
I would be very surprised if Morrison does win the title. I didn't really have hopes for either him or R-Truth winning the title, but I was hoping for a better build for them in the feud to take them to a new level. So why is Morrison in the match? The lack of build for him makes it even more clear to me that he is mainly there to do his fancy spots to help make the match possibly match of the night, if not at least better than TNA's triple-threat cage match for the TNA World title this month. You can say he might also be there to job, but R-Truth could have easily have done that, or any other guy. Morrison is there for his unique abilities.
In the end, there are not three men in this feud. There are three men in the match. This whole feud is still Miz and Cena. It is the extension from Wrestlemania. Just like the mediocre build for John Morrison when he faced Miz earlier this year, this match will be just another chapter in the story of John Morrison coming close to becoming World Champion after showing he can perform more than adequately in the ring. If he should win the belt inside that cage, it still leaves me wondering why the poor build. His character will still look like a midcarder (or upper midcarder), but he will be holding the WWE Championship instead of Cena, who is still on Raw.
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