Yes, I know very well that these two men already faced each other at a Wrestlemania. I think you can figure out who won. How do I feel about the WWE not mentioning that this thing happened? What's new? If they will pretend individuals never existed or that certain guys never lost matches, what really stops them from downplaying that HHH already lost to Taker at Wrestlemania?
They have Shawn Michaels coming in to give his take on this "epic" encounter. Fine. Nice to see Shawn. Honestly, is he really saying anything that insightful and unique? The commentators have probably made several of those same remarks about both men over the years. Why not bring in other men who have faced both Taker and HHH at Wrestlemania? Kane? Randy Orton? Batista not willing to appear live via satellite like The Rock? Have different characters and personas weigh in on this. It would make it more interesting.
Nevertheless, past competitors can only hype a feud concerning two other men so far. What are HHH and Taker actually doing? Staring at each other and taunting? An overused promo about the streak here and there? Triple H beating up Sheamus? I just don't feel HHH wants it that badly. I don't feel the intensity in the feud. If they don't want them to really mix it up in the ring before Wrestlemania, I can buy that, but the promos and hype from these two is falling flat. Contrary to what the WWE may want to to push, this match does not sell itself.
And just an afterthought on the Jeff Hardy situation, based on what little is known so far, I'm throwing my vote on the side that it was a work. TNA wanted to create some controversy, so they pulled this stunt. Hogan had said before somewhere that things were about to get "real" in TNA. That pretty much means TNA would pull some fake crap and try to sell it as real. The fact that Matt Hardy, Jeff's own brother, did not sound too concerned about it in a tweet after the incident makes me feel it is just an act. Whatever the case, the main event from last Sunday still was upsetting.
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