Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Just Say No To Marriage

I haven't been eager about talking about this storyline involving AJ, CM Punk, and Daniel Bryan. I have nothing against AJ Lee personally, but this overpush annoys me. Nevertheless, it has to be brought up.

If nothing else, at least this is getting CM Punk and the WWE title back into the main event. For a while, it looked like the WWE may legitimately just completely bury the title feud for the sake of the Money in the Bank ladder match dedicated to the briefcase for the WWE title. And why would they? That ladder match features the centerpiece, John Cena. They may still book Cena's match as the true main event of the PPV, but it is refreshing to see Raw close with the WWE title feud being progressed.

There is, however, a problem with the WWE title picture. Last week, Raw ended with AJ standing tall. This week, it ended with AJ looking the strongest. She is the big story in this feud. Months ago, I remember saying that a feud between Daniel Bryan and CM Punk was not something the WWE would have to work too hard to make work. It was a feud that a lot of wrestling fans would love to see. Given the history these two have, it was a feud that could easily write itself. Just give these guys the mic and have them make the feud happen. It is starting to get stale to see them wrestle each other so much, but inserting AJ like they have is what is really hurting this feud.

I am sure that I am not the only one who noticed how long that opening promo dragged on this week. AJ really likes to pause, doesn't she? Zack Ryder could have changed a tire with a psychotic monster stalking him in less time than it took AJ to get through her promo. Okay, maybe Ryder can't, but it was still very obvious that AJ was taking way too long. It's because of her psycho gimmick? I don't think so, but I am willing to give that benefit of the doubt.

Looking at the purpose of the promo itself, it was meant to sell the idea that AJ wanted to marry Punk, while Daniel Bryan wanted to manipulate her into siding with him. She is the special guest referee of their match. CM Punk, being the nice face he is, refused to play with AJ to get his way in the match. That got him a slap in the face. Daniel Bryan didn't have any luck getting AJ on his side. He got a slap in the face. So what will AJ do at the PPV? That has become the draw for this match.

Who wins? Other than AJ? There will be some kind of screwjob finish. No matter who wins, I can picture them being the victim of the briefcase, whether it be in the same night or the weeks to come. It is only a matter of time before John Cena wins the title back, no matter how he does it. As for Bryan and Punk, neither of these guys will get completely screwed over in respect to the other after this push. They are equals in the company. One is not really being used just for the benefit of the other. The WWE will not be consistent in pushing both as hard as they have been in the months to come, but at least one guy won't be left out in the cold. If anything, both will be out in the cold. When Cena gets back the title, it will happen. If I were booking it, I would have Daniel Bryan somehow win and then get cashed in on right after by Cena, or have Cena do it at the 1,000th episode.

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