Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Layla: Not The Centerpiece

I had said that what would really show whether or not the WWE wanted to develop Layla as centerpiece would be how they push her after her current title reign ends. Would they continue to revolve the major diva matters around her? You don't even have to wait that long. The WWE has pretty much already shown that they do not currently want to develop her as the top diva.

Go back a few weeks. Beth Phoenix got another title shot at a PPV. Before they brought this feud back to the main shows the week prior to No Way Out, it was pretty much nonexistent. When they did bring it back, it was just to hand Beth two wins to build momentum before losing to Layla, again. This match was more diva filler for the PPV card.

Where has Layla found herself since then? No credible jobber looks to be on the horizon. They can definitely try to push a heel Tamina against her, but they aren't. She has a brief encounter with AJ this week, including what happened on Raw and what will happen on Smackdown, but AJ is already tied into something more important. Layla is the one who does not seem to have a clear, great direction. And yet, she is Diva's Champion. But not the centerpiece.

As for AJ, her storyline continues to revolve around 3 main-eventers. They are pushing her hard. This is the hardest they have pushed a diva in the men's division since Lita. Depending on how much longer it lasts and what more they have her do, this might top what the WWE did with Lita. Because the WWE is not yet showing any interest in developing major diva division matters around her to hype her as the best diva in the division, she is not the centerpiece. It just goes to show that a diva does not need to be Trish Stratus for the WWE to develop her as a star. It is a smart move to shift to building divas in the periphery after years of failures with creating a centerpiece. AJ is definitely getting over.

Speaking honestly, I find it a shame that Mickie James will have to end up with this tainted legacy, while a woman hyped by many as her replacement is getting built to be a success. Comparing AJ's career in the WWE to Mickie's is comparing the career of a periphery diva to a credible jobber. Mickie James earned her overness the hard way and a better career than she was given. As I just mentioned, AJ is really benefiting from years of inability to recreate Trish. They are not even pushing their Diva's Champion as well as they are AJ.

Final point, what about Beth Phoenix? If you have ever read my blog before, you probably guessed that this depush and poor treatment would be coming for Beth even before she won the title last year. If you have never read my blog before, let's just look at the history of Beth's recent push. Before she got the push last year, she wasn't doing anything. She had no storyline or feud going. The WWE even had to turn her heel the very night she won a title shot and started her feud with face Kelly Kelly. After Beth did win the title, they never really developed any great feuds for her and often pushed her inconsistently. Good focus was not on her. It should have been easy to see that this push for Beth would end like all her other pushes in the past. She is back to being lost in the shuffle.

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