Wednesday, April 6, 2011

You Say Your Favorite Match Is The One With Melina And Alicia Fox?

Who? Relax. Austin apologized about what he said on Tough Enough. Of all the divas to pick, and there is nothing wrong with picking the divas, why a match with these two? Matter of opinion. You look at it, both of these women are jobbers. That, to me, is more fact than opinion. Neither of them are centerpieces or are meant to be centerpieces. Since they are pushed consistently only in the diva division, their characters are not getting the chance to properly develop from storylines outside of the title picture. If you are not being developed as either a centerpiece or on the sidelines, what are you? Melina did a little self-righteous response to what went on. I respect her. I feel bad for her and most of the other divas in the WWE being held back. But should she really be proud of how far she's come? She's been featured on Superstars more in the last few weeks than Raw. She has been used by the WWE for the benefit of other women more often than not. End of the day, it is a dream job and she still has her fans. What can I possibly say about Alicia Fox? Her sister is on Tough Enough! She's still in afterthought heaven herself ever since Trish Stratus popped back up and Vickie is seeing more time in the ring on Raw than William Regal. I pointed out a few weeks ago that the divas with wrestling experience and true credibility were not getting used on Raw week after week. Even I have to admit that this is getting ridiculous now. Wrestlemania was on Sunday. On Raw this week, it is still Trish and Vickie. Eve defended the title against a Bella many weeks ago. Needless to say, not a worthy title match. Could have been. I don't think these women are that horrible. Just not given enough time and the story in the ring was weak. LayCool madness is still running wild on Smackdown, as you will see this week. Then again, there's no other heels to push there. How convenient? As far as I am concerned, the WWE is once again showing how they really value women like Melina, Gail Kim, Beth Phoenix, and so on. I'm not saying they whip them backstage and refuse to pay them. But I believe these women would like to be used more and better. Some must anyway. Or have they sacrificed that self-respect for the fame of being a credible jobber on Superstars?

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