Why is John Morrison in this match again? I understand that Morrison and Miz used to be tag champs and feuded after that, but it had been months since they really went at each other. Daniel Bryan was the guy who really had issues with Miz right now. Morrison was in limbo. WWE obviously wanted to push him, but they had no legitimate plan or free, worthy opponent for him. If they wanted to do a submissions match, it could have easily have been just between Miz and Bryan. In any case, Daniel Bryan brings in Morrison to be his partner in the recent Raw match, the heels win, and the face team falls apart as both have issues with Miz that they want no one to get in the middle of, supposedly.
I am not complaining about Morrison finally finding himself in a match like this, just finding the development of it all funny. In this particular type of match, action can potentially spill anywhere. If you remember Morrison's match with Sheamus, that can be a very good thing for John Morrison.
Do I think John Morrison will win? Why end Daniel Bryan's reign so soon? That may make it even more poor than R-Truth U.S. Championship reign a few months ago. However, there are two good options for Morrison. Either he walks out with the title or walks out with a feud with Miz over that empty briefcase every World Champion fears so much. They could choose to have Miz cash it in on Sunday, dashing that plan to hell. What would be left for Morrison then? Heel turn followed by feud with Daniel Bryan? I would rather see Daniel Bryan feud with his old friends in Nexus. Something better really develop from this match on Sunday. They cannot push Morrison around randomly without a focus.
Am I talking too much about Morrison? Would you rather I talk about Barrett? Believe it or not, I am not a huge Morrison fan. I just think he would be a fresh option to push that fans can actually enjoy. Let me talk about the other two men in this match. I still am waiting for Daniel Bryan to do something to actually entertain me and earn the rating so many people give him. The most entertaining thing about this guy is the joke of a theme they gave him and Michael Cole's hate for him. Do I have to wait until Daniel Bryan turns heel to find him truly entertaining? I am not going to mark out because the guy reminds me of Chris Benoit. Being a good wrestler is one thing, especially when so many around you have mediocre talent, but a guy like CM Punk is someone I can respect as a good wrestler who also entertains, both in and out of the ring. This does not mean I want Daniel Bryan to lose the title. If he did, I would not care so much. And Miz? Miz really does not need to hold the midcard title and briefcase at the same time to seem credible before he officially rises into the main event. This guy has the character for it. He has the demeanor in the ring. The fact that he has a lackey even helps the facade more. I can buy that he is something of a heel leader. He holds victories over Cena, and not that fake stuff of calling Cena out and Cena not showing up. He may not be a Kurt Angle or Chris Benoit, but he can put on a believable performance with top guys. The WWE does not need to hold the midcard down by keeping the title near him anymore.